Idea: Custom Games

We have wargames, so I figured it would be cool if we could customize and save game types for arenas and BGs. Like the ability to increase/lower base player speed, restrict mounts, increase/lower damage or healing, add/remove stat templates, increase/decrease HP, change respawn rate, etc. Adjust flag reset time, points required for a win, and time limit for the game. Maybe even adjust damage percentages, cooldowns, or even duration for specific class abilities.

If so what kinds of customs would you have in mind if this came to be?

You’re asking for way too many options for this game. Options are taken away here, not given.

Edit: not that I disagree with you, it would be cool. It just won’t happen in WoW.

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I mean, they do a bit of both. They gave Horde peeps an option of who to support, even if it is a minor option :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes please I’d love to see some type of better implementation of these types of systems. Wargames were introduced in Cataclysm. Still, there is no UI–most people don’t know what I’m talking about when I bring them up, and even less can make it work.

I’d love the option to post “custom games” for anyone to join. Wargame PUGs. I want to run some 7v7 capture the flag. I want to run some 5v5 for old times sake. I want to challenge someone 5v7 in a BG and make it happen.

That’s a bare minimum!

What you’re offering is simple sliding stats that should be fairly reasonable to implement and could be a huge source of new-endgame for many people. Remember for those who played Warcraft III - - over time, nearly everyone moved away from the primary game and spent more and more time in these custom games, and they built a huge amount of longevity into the game.