Curtsy is the new spit?

I’ve been in a couple of bgs today and I see a lovely horde player curtsying to players who just died. I haven’t seen spit recently but now it seems to be curtsy?

sounds like they were being polite


Personally I love the /spit emote. Doesn’t matter what I’m doing and it’s used on me I usually do a /moan in response. :smiley:

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I still use /spit on everyone I kill.

i usually counter with /thirsty /curtsey

Oh that suits you so much…diva.

/spit is rude. but other emotes can make up for things, i have weakauras setup to proc a random emote and say a phrase when i kill someone, half the fun is seeing which emote it picks.


Sometimes I /bow after a good fight. Not every emote after a kill is for BM purposes.

If it’s a good fight, I agree. The other person deserves the respect; however, I’ve been seeing this in casual bgs and it made me curious. I have seen it happen twice to other people and just wondered if it was the new ‘spit’ on you type of emote. Thank you.

Only emote I use in PvP is to laugh at neckbeards freaking out and spitting on themselves in a blind manbaby rage