Curse of Elements vs. Agony (Duo Leveling)?

Hello friends. I’m leveling with a Shadow Priest buddy 60-70 as Affliction, and I’m wondering what Curse I should be using for this duo (both questing and dungeons). I know Elements increases both our shadow damage quite a bit but I’m unsure if it actually outpaces Agony’s added damage.

Anyone test this out or level as a similar comp and have any insight on that?

Thanks for your time.

I’d go CoS—mobs will be long dead before Agony ticks out. Only tile I would use Agony is if your are pulling and DoTing a BUNCH of mobs at once.

For dungeons probably CoS too. Gives your buddy more synergy.

Honestly you will be killing things so fast while questing you might not even need CoS.


Shadow is a threat machine thanks to mind blast, so don’t bother with curses at all unless it’s elites. Just start casting shadowbolt.

Priest can keep PW: shield on whoever has aggro and you can continue to hardcast.

Alternatively, pull like 5 mobs at once, in which case probably aoe spells.

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Thanks Donkles. Do you think it’s better to just go deep Destro in that case?

Dungeon bosses or elite quest mobs do COE agony everything else. Your AOE damage is going to be fire until 70 so there’s no point putting elements on everything since it’s quite low as an increase and mana intensive. COE isn’t worth putting on everything until you have better gear and seed of corruption, agony on the other hand will work nicely doing multi mob pulls with your shadow buddy so his shadow word pain gets value. I still use it on multipulls even in heroics as destro since if you can get the 24 seconds of agony it’s good value.

T. plays both a spriest and warlock at 70

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Depends on what you wanna do, server type, etc.

If you play PvE it could work, if you wanna pvp you should go SL/SL. If you solo you’re better off with affliction to start.

Go deep demonology, felguard does a ton of damage and soul link is good in pve and pvp + its a tank. Deep destro isn’t great without the spellpower to make the scaling worth it, aff can be strong but it’s better as a fresh 70 once you get seed.

Don’t listen to these other lesser warlocks, take some advice from me the literal Pai Mei of warlocks.

Whenever I make a new lock I always level as affliction because its too good, Destro is mana thristy and Demo is the most boring spec to level as. If you two are just running around killing mobs while questing then CoA is the way to go.

The bonus from CoE is going to be so minimal at that level of play that you wouldnt even notice it. Get your succubus out, dot stuff up and keep pulling, between your dots and the spriest stuff should be melting and dead before they fall off.

Get the fel concentration talent and face tank every mob while draining its life. It will pay off when you are 70 with a maxxed defense rating. I’ve tanked the Greater Flesh beast in kara after our tank died all because my def is maxxed out.

It helps to constantly fear dotted up mobs and pull more. CoA, SL, and corruption are all you really need, kill low health targets with shadowburn or let the priest sw:death on them.

GL on the grind and when you hit 70 return to me and I may teach you the secrets of the Five Point Palm Exploding Death Coil technique.


Thank you, wise one. I will seek you out when I am ready.

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Oh he sure does! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

To clarify this, mind blast no longer has bonus threat tied to the ability.

In classic mind blasts tooltip says it caused high threat but that was removed in TBC.

easier to just have the warlock dot everything and have the priest heal you

Good luck convincing my priest friend to heal!

I ended up going Destro and this duo (destro/spriest) is insane. We kill things in under 5 seconds and my health and mana never moves, so fun.

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