Currency Conversions Coming with Patch 4.4.0 on April 30

So instead of converting arena points to honor in prepatch you guys jumped the gun with 0 warning and communication. I had 75k honor and 10k arena points expecting them to be converted into the new honour it at least gold.


I was right to cancel my subscription, cata will be a disaster apparently


whats going to happen with the arena points we can accrue right now with pvp dailies?


That’s gonna be a big booooooooo from me dog. All I read was “We were too lazy to let you spend your hard earned arena points and use them for two weeks so we didn’t even take the time to tell you what was going on”.



So extra Emblems of Frost convert to less gold than previous phase emblems?


Come on bruh


That’s a big slap in the face to those who had 75k honor and arena points ready to spend.


You should add a 50%+ discount to all JP and honor gear in the pre-patch until Cata comes out.

There’s no reason to bother farming any of it at the normal costs between the 30th and the 20th. The time investment to farm full sets of gear in the pre-patch is probably longer than the time you’d be using the gear before replacing it in Cata.

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best bet for maxium payout is to just convert badges over 346 to conquest since frost and tri badges only give 47s per but conq is 5g 50s


yeah but theres a vendor in the underbelly you can convert to the less tier badge

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This is insane that you converted arena points without telling anyone. Awful.


Waiiiit… did my over 8,000 arena points on my DK not convert to anything? I had capped honor already, so my arena points just poofed?

Am I stupid or is this another example of Blizzard employees being terrible at their jobs and not communicating exactly what was happening prior to it happening?

Oh… Okay. That’s crazy. I don’t actually care much but man oh man Blizzard just keeps on proving the haters right.


Just another example of SoD being the priority over the other classic expansions/realms…

Will it get better? and cata will get the atention it deserves like SoD? only you can answer that…


There was no conversion of scourgestones when I copied a character with them onto beta.

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SoD has its own problems that the team doesn’t have time to address. The problem is its too small a team with too little time to do too much work. I don’t simp for Bliz but I do feel for the devs who are doing the best with the poor hand they’ve been dealt by their employers.

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“BEFORE” the Cataclysm pre-patch (IN 6 DAYS BTW), Honor Points may be spent on “WRATH GEAR”. Any Wrath Honor Points that are not spent will be converted during the Cataclysm pre-patch maintenance.

WRATH GEAR = what??? off pieces

instead of a fully deserved full set of Wrath gear my currency is getting converted to literal COPPER rofl talk about worst possible outcome well played well played


It should be by point, which makes the frost/triumph convert to 5.5 gold equal to conquest. But who knows if Blizz will make a meal of the converstion.

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This is not “doing their best.” We had a post on what to expect with honor conversion on April 2, and they blatantly did something else. Tons of people lost Arena Points that they spent weeks farming out as a result, with no communication whatsoever until over 2 days after they were already gone.

This is nothing but another example of the disregard that Blizzard has for the PVP community.


um actually frost and triumph dont convert to 5.5 G

its 47s each which means all the sub par tokens are worth more lol


It doesn’t even make sense. The people who forget to convert to lower emblems will just make a ton less gold.

Blizzard bad.