Cultural Headcanons - MG

Not gonna lie, this topic is branching off of one I visit every so often on the WrA forums. Going through the posts makes for a great read and RP ideas! Now, MG has a ton of realm lore so I definitely know tons of you out there have your own cultural headcanons too. I’ll start us off…

Harvest Witches:
Practitioners of the Old Ways in Gilneas and Silverpine weren’t limited to tending crops and preventing famine. Each family or individual had their own traditions within the practice. Some lines were talented shapeshifters (perhaps specialising in one particular animal form), alchemists, spellcasters and charm makers.

As Celestine of the Harvest suggests, these people truly did live on the fringes of society, especially after the Church of the Holy Light became the cultural norm. They lived in the deep forests, mountains or in relative obscurity and were very seldom sought out. Of course, tales will always be told by village children about the “witch in the woods”.

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