[CS Lounge] We Heard You Like Tall Vampire Ladies

And now the offhand dropped for my Horde DH

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I have a few characters with one of the Warglaives. I think the only reason my lock has both is because she can’t use them.


I still need to do my TK runs and BT run this week. I am only dong BT on my DH. Wish I would have had the gold I needed yesterday to buy the TK mount from the BMAH.

Ah BMAH got into a bidding war for teh MOP flying book other player was more then willing to keep spending i wasnt.

Wow! The wind generators in Texas froze over.



They still have those on there? Odd.

This was back in WOD.

Ahh, I see. I bid on a few of those books myself. Getting the flight at an earlier level made leveling a lot faster. All I would do is hunt treasures/rares and gather herbs/ore anyways.

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Well, this is something that hasn’t happened in years… falling through the world. In Bastian.

Well you know whats below bastion the maw.

When I tried to log in, I got a World Server Down message. So, I broke it?

Huh. Got logged in. Still falling. Try to put in a stuck ticket. Took forever to load, then as it did, bang, dead, and back in Oribos.

Editing again. Flew to Bastion, stuck on flying mount again, think the same thing is about to happen.

So it was you either that or blizzard is tired of all the furries running around and accidently broke it for everyone else lol.

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Things are really weird in game atm. Dungeon finder keeps bouncing to “paused” randomly, massive lag spikes. I wonder if it’s anything to do with the ice storms parts of the US are getting?

Well there are some servers located in texas if google is accurate and kinda hard to get to the server base if your dealing with armegeddon out there.

It’s only bad in the summer :stuck_out_tongue:

Unfortunately the hay that vrak feeds on is frozen over so hes too hungry to keep the servers running.

Well, apparently :slightly_frowning_face: my server (Arygos) just went off line.

Last I checked the realms were only in LA, Chicago, and Sydney. Support is in California and Texas.

Like i said according to google we all know the internet doesnt lie or be completly accurate.