[CS Lounge] - Sword and Shield!

Called it. And if it hadn’t been that, I would have been very disappointed.


Great One! :+1::+1:

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My own personal favorite:

And here I was thinking Marathon Man


We got our AoTC last night. We have been struggling to fill raids. After we lost people to wipes (we made it clear this was progression) we got some very solid pugs that stayed with us until everyones screen filled with Achievements. And Discord erupted.

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Morning folks!

[ inb4 someone tells me it’s Thursday where they are :stuck_out_tongue: ]


No! it’s Monday. Monday night.
You’re sleeping at the wrong time of the rotation.


Y’know … I was going to try to use a “Happy Hump-Day” gif. I should have known better before I went looking. :sweat: NSFF (Not Safe For Forums)

Good morning, all.


Time to try and kill the party in my Dresden Files game!


Just for you Eilethalua


Please help us, we’re going to get a total party kill…

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Time to take a break from the forums. It’s noon and I already used up my report options.

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I’m sitting here looking out the doorwall and wondering how everybodies grilled steaks came out. It’s 60 outside and I wish I was having more for dinner than plain old hotdogs :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I have the outdoor grill itch. A flank steaks sounds wonderful right now.

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You can do hotdogs on the grill you know.

Although I understand that tube steak isn’t quite the same as strip, Delmonico/rib, sirloin, or properly prepped flank, it does make them better IMHO.

EDIT: it did get up to 53 here today, even the piles of snow are almost gone, Spring may actualy be here.


We use an old fashioned weber charcoal grill. I don’t want to fire that up just for hotdogs. But yes, they do taste better grilled.

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LOL, I’m getting loopy, but I had this absurd idea for WOW 2: Zombie Apocalypse (instead of any more expansions =P). Basically, it’s still Azeroth with either the entire world as one map or perhaps different areas allowing a choice of maps to play.

All civilizations would have been destroyed, and almost everyone but the player and their group are mostly mindless undead. The back-story is pretty much already there with the constant development of plague strains and disrespect/hatred for the living. (All races would be affected, so zombies would be undead everything.)

It would follow the genre standards - obtain resources, craft basics and learn over time how to craft better things, fight waves of zombies, cooperate with or fight against other players.

Clearly playing 7 Days to Die Alpha 17 Ravenhearst mod is messing with my head, but it’s funny and sad at the same time how well WOW characters and stories could lead right into it, and how much could still feel just familiar enough. Much like an RTS becoming an MMORPG.

No more dental work for a long while. The dentist said I had a balance and I need to pay that off before more work can be done. At least I got the major stuff taken care of.

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Hot dogs taste really good tightly wrapped in foil and thrown into a fire too. Not a raging one mind you, just a small campfire - for about 5-10 minutes. Of course, I’m the type of person who hates s’mores, but loves my marshmallows to be burnt to a crisp.

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Alas, no TPK. I didn’t sufficiently nerf the bad guys after our caster had to leave due to real-life obligations, and they were too hard to hit. This made the fight a kind of boring whiff-fest where everyone missed each other, and I ended it early.

They’ll be back soon, appropriately nerfed.


The slutmog game is about to get a lot more swole.