[CS Lounge] Summer Party

Setup my Airbrush work station. Ready to go.


I always wanted to learn how to air brush. Watching Mike from counting car’s he makes it looks so easy to do. lol

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it’s definitely a nice skill to have, I’m no pro, but I’m good enough for a hobbyist.


If I wanted to try my hand at streaming g just for fun, where would I look for all the proper stuff. Mic, camera, Co trips, how to actually do it haha.

It seems like it could be fun.

Well, just got the call. Wife is taking the boys to see Aladdin tonight at the drive in.

The drive in here does double features. The second movie is Godzilla, but she has no interest in it and does not want to stay. I think that is a waste but that is just me.

So, what to do while home alone. Party? No way, going to go to bed without worrying about anything haha.


Finally unlocked the Kul Tiran race. That was a twist I didn’t see coming at the end of the Jaina questline…


I got approval to stop physical therapy for now. I just need to continue at home. I am thrilled as it is one less thing to worry about this month as I try and get stuff done to prepare for my hysterectomy surgery.


I think I got more paint on me than the models using my airbrush.


Ugh, harddrive failed earlier today, reinstall everything now.

/tar Alvie
/pick on

You’re not getting MB sick, right?
/shoulder poke

Oi! You have my sympathies.

Did you lose anything?

Not really, just the OS and apps. All my docs are backed up extenally

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My little brat of a cat protest-peed on my couch cushion. >:C I know it’s a protest pee because she’s gone in the box later on, but I don’t know for what or when, exactly, she did it. The two things I can think of her protesting are the harness I put her in last night and the ants that took over her food again. (I’m going to get an interior spray this week to try to end the ant invasions for good, or at least for the rest of the year.)

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Watching chernobyl again too short lol the russians are creating there version of it but there blaming cia operatives would be interesting to watch.

Your story reminds me of that TV series entitled “My Cat From He**” where this guy gets to know what a cat is thinking and comes to the aid of people and finds out what is bothering their furry companions and solves their problems; It’s a pretty cool show if you haven’t seen it before.

I saw a comment on a news site about this. Someone wanted to know if they were doing an alternate ending to Game of Thrones as well.

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You mean a proper, real ending?

Please make sure the spray is safe for your kitties!

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Neat. I just saw that the new forums will:

  1. automatically
  2. indent
  3. lists



I just saw a car commercial that used the 1980’s Dungeons and Dragons cartoon as a basis. I must now dig out my dvds and watch some episodes. If only I had some pb&J Pop-Tarts like I did back when I was a kid to go with my viewing.

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