[CS Lounge] Oh Sunny Daze!

Dealing with the fallout of mom being mad because Boogy did not do his chores to her satisfaction. He is 10 and you were at work. Uh duh

She threatened to break the PS4 and he is nothing but tears and grumo right now, 30 or so minutes later.

Thats ok, mom cant break daddys PS5


That breeds resentment, not compliance or positive behavior modification. A “vacation” from the device as consequences works, destruction doesn’t.


Oh i agree. What’s worse, had it been me that set him off like that i would get yelled at for it… But her? Whatevs


This. Not to mention, it’s actually a form of emotional abuse.


don’t really know where to ask this, but…is there a way to redo the intro to Shadowlands? like starting the “A Chilling Summons” quest and going from there? .-.

No why do u ask.

for some reason i wanted to redo it. apparently i did it on my Hunter well before i faction changed him. ah well. i’ll just get some rare pets i haven’t gotten yet. really been neglecting my alts a lot more than i thought.

managed to snag Gondria, Arcturis and Loque’nahak. not a bad start to the morning honestly. wouldn’t mind trying to get Bloody Rare cleared as well, but BC rares have always eluded me…though i’ve got that SilverDragon addon thing…that may help make it easier. :confused: :thinking:


I just got invited to a bbq at her aunts house tomorrow.

Does that mean i am in like flynn? One can hope right?


For some strange reason my Jelly cat pet had a jelly Pepe on his head in Oribos. I wonder why? :thinking: I don’t even have a Pepe pet yet.

have a primevue to both local fireworks shows tonight :smiley:

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Fifth Blue Drake. Still no Azure Drake.



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i’ve neglected my hunter…a LOT. haven’t done the cooking/fishing dailies in Stormwind/Ironforge/Darnassus, let alone Shattrath OR Dalaran. haven’t explored much of Azeroth OR Outlands.

tried running Mogu Vaults for the heck of it. no mount, but i was able to clear it without issue. may try Molten Core and maybe even Blackwing Lair for transmog purposes. shame i can’t add non-hunter gear to my lists, but i understand the logic behind it. .-.

tempted to try Malygos and maybe even Lich King too. i know the latter has a music roll for the garrison jukebox so may as well try for that.

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So im piggy backing my SD sisters amazon prime account ive already seen boys im torn between invincble and stand huge SK fan so im leaning towards stand since its 8 episodes.

Be sure to give Jack Ryan a look.

I loved Tom Clancy books. Love the character, and love the series.

Also Without Remorse is another one along those lines. Same universe.

Goal Accomplished!

Got my Sergeant title for Swifteagle here.


If you don’t remember, this was Ravenhawk/Thundertotem. :grin:


Checking something really quick…


TFW you are on floor 18 of Twisting Corridor and are so close to being able to get the achieve for finishing the first layer — but your end boss is Goxul the Devourer.

He had 3 million health and just chewed through my Voidlord like candy.

Ran out of all my lives and the Tarragrue came a-callin’

One day I will get it … one day.


/curls up in pillow fort

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