[CS Lounge] Oh Sunny Daze!

Just realized it’s been a while since I’ve updated here!

Switched to Horde-side on my main to follow a friend and get some extra content moving up. Ran a lot of mythic+ dungeons with the new guild, and managed to snag my Season 1 Keystone Master last week before the patch! I still have to pull out my huge and shiny mount occasionally to remind myself it exists.

I’ve been diving into 9.1 pretty hard, though I’ve also been taking time to check out the Dragon Age games for the first time since they were on sale. Anyone have advice on which is the best one to try first?


Woo Hoo! Michigan just announced a 5 million lottery for vaccinated people. 5, 1 million dollar chances and a bunch of tuition for college kids. Crosses fingers. :+1: :crossed_fingers:


New York has something sort of like that, but it has limitations to say the least.
A free $20 NYS Lottery Scratch-off Ticket, grand prize $5 million.

But it isn’t retroactive, so no good to me or anybody else who already got a Vaccination.

It’s also only for Individuals Vaccinated at One of 10 designated State Mass Vaccination Sites, so no good to me even if I was getting it now as I was vaccinated through one of the many other sites; the nearest “State Mass Vaccination Site” is out in the suburbs beyond the regular mass transit network so no good for many in the inner city.

The city and county have run some pop up clinics in the inner city but, of course, they aren’t “State Mass Vaccination Sites” so no free lottery scratch off for you.

Mostly it’s a program for the New York city metro area and Long Island.

Mind you, I’m glad to have gotten the vaccine, and at no cost at that; just mildly annoyed at how this lottery thing was rolled out here.

tell her text me i don’t have current numbers lol

Did they can the daily covenant quest things? You know, like the “complete 3 WQs in with your trainee” and the like?

The Callings?

We still have those. Here is what is available today:

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So weird, they’re not showing on my map even after a reload.

She said she texted you

I believe it’s a known bug with the Calling’s not appearing on your map. I’ve also noticed that the Daily Quest “Bet on Yourself” and the weekly slime quest in Maldraxxus are not showing up either at this time.


They show on the minimap, and if you check the Sanctum Report, you can see who has quests. Annoying, for sure.

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Finally Friday. Been a long week.

And being in a service job, you’re not likely to have the 5th off, are you? Technically, I do, but the boss asked me to cover a few hours in the morning, just in case anyone needed anything from us. Since pretty much all our clients will be closed, I’ll basically be playing WoW all morning.

And the worst weekend ever has started already for my dog. The neighborhood sounds like a war zone in the evenings, and she’s decidedly NOT a fan of fireworks. She’s got a calming spray that I can use (just a spritz under her muzzle) that seems to help a bit.

Ok, caught up on Loki. I have… feels…

I love the …


…incorporation of the four other Loki versions.

I’m itching to see where this goes.

Edit: you need to fast forward through the credits to see this.

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No i do not have the 5th off. I am working on the 4th by choice though. Get my time and a half while i can.


Blue Drake number 4 from Eye of Eternity. Still no Azure Drake. It’s great that I have 50 level 40+ to run this on. It will only take and Eternity to get it to drop for me. :crazy_face:


Do you want to borrow back your children?

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So what caught on fire 24 new topics.

Wasn’t me. I’m a Frost Mage.

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Ugh. Torghast was already my least favourite part of the game, and I think the updates have made it worse.

Unfortunately, being that I raid and run dungeons, it’s obligatory content I can’t avoid. This multiplies the not-fun-at-all factor.

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