[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

Hamilton songs popping in and out of my head all day :musical_note:

Alexa, play You’ll be Back


In todays episode of “That Made Me Feel Old”…

Just saw a BMW ad on TV, background music was Blink 182.



Oi! Now who do I feed to my Minions?

So. Has he found out yet? Bottom feeders like me want the deets man.

Caught another whaleshark

Yet to get one but i do have redd on my island.

As far as I am aware, he didn’t find out until 3:30 Monday afternoon when the district manager stopped by to give him the news that he had just completed his last shift in our store. Since our last encounter, he had steadfastly ensured that he was gone before I was to clock in. When I did get there a couple hours later, I immediately claimed my trophy: the window cling on the door that reads "This store proudly managed by XXXX XXXX’.

The DM and our asst. manager had been coordinating over the last week, making sure his remaining shifts were covered. The AM has assumed leadership of the store. The difference in everyone’s moods has been astounding and immediate. People no longer dread coming to work, and they smile again.

The AM and I have been cleared to work as many hours as necessary to undo the damage done to the inventory and the organization of the back room (it’s my back room again :partying_face:). I was there until 7:30 this morning unraveling the GM’s ‘put it wherever it fits, just get it off the floor’ inventory control system.

Stress levels? We don’t have no steenking stress levels. :relaxed:


I think it is my favorite song in the show. Groff did a phenomenal job and it offered some much needed contrast and comic relief to the show.

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I am so glad to hear that my friend.


Remember, most of the sharks in-game right now spawn between 4 & 7, AM and PM.

I wish I could up vote your post more than once. That is great news. So happy for you and the others there.


Brutal like Far Cry 1?

If the very thought of me sneezing in that game happened I’d be sniped from 6 miles away.

Take a break
I have to get my plan through Congress…


♪♫♪ Let it go ♪♫♪

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Eat a Gnome :notes:


Gnomes are friends not food!


takes a bite out of General Tao Chicken

…right. >.> …friends. <.<

resumes eating General Tao Chicken

I am having a pork tenderloin roast and some PFChangs crispy green beans. Does that count?

They have a new steampunk dragon mount that would be wonderful with my Mechagnome. You can buy it or it’s a gift for having a six month recurring sub. I have had a recurring sub since they were available. I haven’t got mine yet. I usually get it right away. I feel unloved. :cry:

Also a psa. Stay away from general. There’s some real crazys there. So many bait threads.

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Hello all! I hope everyone is having a good day. To those who aren’t… hopefully it will improve for you.


It’s hot! The feels like temp is 109. Too hot!