[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

The last battle, if ever made into a show, would be epic.

I want to see Lan vs. Demandred. It needs to be done right. And not half baked like how weak Hobbit was done with the 5 armies.

Well it is being made into a tv on amazon weather or not it makes it that far is another matter.

And well, we all saw that terrible video of Rand going crazy. Winter Dragon. Let’s hope not that bad.

Also, I hope it doesn’t go all CW esque that happened to Sword of Shannara. That show has less substance than Big Brother.

scoff and you call your self a WOT nerd thats lewis theron talemon not rand al thor.


My apologies, more extreme enthusiast than professional nerd. Lews Therin…my bad.

The show just has real potential to be magically epic. LoTR held back. GoT feels very meh magic. This has the real potential of being epic.

Can you imagine the terror of a full horde of Trollocs or seeing a gray man sneak into a room. Also, that was just stolen by Martin for his faceless.

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To be fair winter dragon fall in the same category as the ATLA movie and dragon ball evolution.

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I think we’ve used up all the short days. You more than others.

Lol I don’t do short days. Will have been here 19 hours when I leave. Also back 7 hours after i leave.

Almost 1130 and it is 84 degrees. Nope we not doing this summer. I refuse.


Let’s be mindful of the rules on the forums and not discuss actions in here, please. :slight_smile:




Is it wrong if you fall asleep at work? Asking for a friend.

I am not ashamed to say I have used my lunch breaks for power naps. Heck, when I was on 3rd shift I’d go nap in my car because the night air was cool.


When I was third, I worked from the kitchen floor and had to set 5 minute alarms to shake the mouse (it was a week spell when we were caught up on tickets and they didn’t allow us to take off early)


While everyone else gripes about heat, I’m relaxing and feeling comfortable for a change. When everyone else is relieved it has cooled down, I’m back in a jacket shivering.

The one thing working from home has taught me now is that my ideal working temperature is 82F (almost 28C). That’s not in skimpy clothes; that’s in my usual office attire. Which explains why I have two sweaters and a jacket at the office, where there’s a constant battle between someone who wants 68F and the rest who go for 72F.

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68? lol

I set it to 64!

He probably would, but the lynch mob would undo that mighty quick. 1 v 8 doesn’t go well.

Bunch of reptiles in disguise.

I like this

We keep the house AC set at 76°F. I can handle having it higher at around 80°F, but I am the only one who likes it warmer.