[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

I always say that I’m not going to push for the next level of the mount achievements. Then I start getting close and it’s “Which mount can I go for next?”


Think im 322/350 here so close 4 bars to 120 on my worgen.

The Zandalari Troll I mentioned earlier hit 120 today.

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No trolls be allowed here mon its against the rules :wink:

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Brilliant idea!

Gnome Druid Flight Form! That’s why they taste sweet!


i feel like that might’ve…“stung” a little. a certain royal might tell you to…"bee"have yourself.

Feed Bug bees!

Can’t stop me!

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/swarm of bees

Apparently another of my posts has been ninja deleted. Guess it’s better than flagged or silenced.

Methinks I struck a chord.

Maybe you need a stronger sa’angreal your may not be strong enough id say use the one on tremalking but that kinda melted like the iron throne.

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Well, I kinda channeling here without the help of two Aes Sedai. One cannot mend the fabric of reality when I go all balefire like.

To quote perrin its only a weave anything woven can be unwoven.

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Well, Egwene might be able to mend it. Alas, she went all Vegeta like with hers.

And rand had to go all ginyu and cheat death.

I’m still convinced Martin stole from Jordan. Daes demar is GoT.

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“I will, Verin,” Egwene promised. “But your soul is not Brown. I can see it.”

Her eyes fluttered open, meeting Egwene’s, a frown creasing her forehead.

“Your soul is of a pure white, Verin,” Egwene said softly. “Like the Light itself.”

Verin smiled, and her eyes closed

I found a song that, in my opinion, captures the black Ajah well. Especially, seeing how Red Ajahs practically invited it upon themselves in their hatred of Rand and all men who could channel.

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A little over 2 hours to go. Teuf was right. I am way tired and it has been a really long day lol.

This sums up the last battle

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