[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

Now, I like it cool in the house, even in winter - I can always add a layer. But that’s way too cold.

Do upside down houses have heat, or do you need space heaters?

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We have ducted reverse cycle air-con. But we don’t leave it on overnight. Plus we don’t have any underfloor insulation (or much of any sort of insulation, really) and slate floors. So it gets COLD. My parents’ house is worse though. It’s usually at least 5 degrees colder there.

I needed your wetsuit leaving work. I was in the closest parking spot and I was absolutely soaked when I got to my car. I was like 15 feet away from the door for crying out loud.

Was driving 30 mph with my wipers on the highest setting and still having a hard time seeing.

Waiting for laundry to take a shower and crash in bed. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day.


Be thankful the ground floor isn’t raised up at all. Then a breeze can run through underneath, causing even worse temperature issues.

At least u wont be wet behind the ears tommorow.


Happy Exploding Goblin Day!


Tomorrow is another Feed More Gnomes To My Minions Day!


It is. That’s why we need the under floor insulation. Most Aussie houses are at least slightly raised.

The fireworks in the game were nice tonight.




The fireworks outside my house on the other hand… I didn’t get to sleep until after 11 last night. Running in about 4 hours of sleep. No bueno.

Gonna be a long day, Tater.

I was on the Character Select screen with my Zandalari Troll selected and some of the little raptors moonwalked across the screen. Some went normally across most of the screen and moonwalked the rest.


To give all the “death critters” someplace to hide? Actually, I don’t think you could pay me enough to crawl under a house (or anything else for that matter) in Australia.

You have been disconnected from the server.

No, it is NOT okay.


So, weekend supervisor came to the kitchen. You kn the floor at 3?

Niope I am I. The kitchen til 7

Oh ok you kn the floor at 7?

I did not plan on it unless they need me. If so I can be.

Could you please? I am sure they would love the help.

So got here at 430 this mor I g, now leaving at 11 tonight. And I will be back at 6. But it feels good to be wanted haha.

I repeat…

Speaking of, I should probably go to bed. Been up since 4pm, it’s 11am now, and I have to be back at work in 6 hours.


Good morning, hope you’ve all had a nice weekend :slight_smile:


Mostly. But the dog has decidedly not had a good weekend. It sounded (and looks this morning) like a war zone out there. Poor girl was hiding under the computer desk almost all night.
But it was a great day overall. Played a little WoW, had a nap (only because I was up until 3am the night before), went out for a hike in the woods for a bit.


I felt lazy. I went out and got my Margos rep up to best friend. I got the mount and the two pets. That racoon Trashy is a nasty little guy. He poops almost on your shoes. Now I am working on getting a crate of rubber duckies and then I will be done with him.

Got to 250 mounts so I got the green hawk mount. I worked on that as a break from fishing.

No surprise it’s hot again. No end in sight. :sweat:


Congrats, I got the same Mount when I got that achievement as well.

Right now I’m working towards 350 mounts achievement

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