[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

it has been a pretty bad day for me. I have been up since about 730 and I am JUST NOW finishing Hamilton. Things pulling me in every direction, emotions reeking havoc on me, life not playing nice with me, etc.

I feel drained, hopefully sleep comes swift and deep for me tonight, or I am gonna have a lot of issues going into the weekend at work.


I hope you sleep well, Mast. Good luck this weekend. ~hugs~


Got my worgen to kul tiras now to grind the last 9 lvls then i can go back to my warrior for class mount.

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I’d feed that to my Minions.


My baby paladin can’t seem to accept quests from the journal. Really bizarre.

Well. >.o

I think that was enough General Discussion to last me the rest of the year.

I learned my lesson - I’ve not gone in there in a very long time.

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Don’t worry, it seems to be seeping into CSF more and more lately.

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Breaking news. It’s HOT! Back to your regular broadcast. :fire:


local radio station posted a meme on social media a few years ago, on a really hot day. still makes me chuckle too, especially on those really hot summer days as well.

“remember that level in Super Mario Bros 3, where the sun is trying to kill you? that’s today.”


I love my local weather guys name for really humid days. “the air you can wear”.

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We’re supposed to hit 34C (93f) this week and that’s before humidity :frowning:

Currently sitting at 91 with a feels like of 99

Next weekend we are supposed to break natural 100, before the humidity. Bleh

Except for yesterday the humidity is really low. Only 33% here. It’s just hot and dry. I feel bad for you guys in the south. :sweat:

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97 degrees, with 99 in a couple hours. Ahhh, Texas. Please Never change.

When it’s this hot and dry, the air sucks the moisture out of the ground. I have to water my tomatoes twice a day. The grass is on it’s own. I can’t afford to water that. It will go dormant for a bit unless the dry is too long and it will die.

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That moment when you get a side of fried mushrooms, and you totally abandon the main meal to eat the mushrooms… :smile:




All you weird upside down past people complaining about the heat, and it dropped below freezing here overnight…

It was 11 degrees INSIDE the house this morning.


Raining and small hail and thunder and lightning here on a bright side 3 lvls to 120 on my worgen got my wet suit on ACNH and started fishing.

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