[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

A little cranky tonight. As a student I am not supposed to do anything alone. And yet for the first 1 1/2 hours I was the only aide on the floor.

It will be fine for me, and everyone I know. But my poor dog will not enjoy it.

Last night, while I was playing, she got scared enough that she hid under my computer desk. Mental note: get a Thundershirt for her!


Decisions decisions.

To sub or not to sub to Critical Role that is the question. Whether this better to watch season 2 episode before it hits YouTube or wait and continue season one.

ONLY because Hamilton hits Disney plus tomorrow I will probably hold off on the sub as I still have 90 something episodes of season 1 anyway.

Oh, it’s Thursday! I’ve gone all day thinking it was Wednesday.



Happy thursday may the end of the week give u some much needed relief unfortunately i sent u another heatwave instead of a snow storm.

Not only is it Thursday but it is a new episode FINALLY


Yes, that was the OMG’s… hehe. I forgot it was Thursday… Hehe.


I just saw something in game that made me think of Mer. A moonkin with the guild tag “the other red meat”.


I should create a guild called we ate the minions lol.

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i’ll probably wait for it to be uploaded to youtube, as i was unable to stay up that late regardless. =_=

now i’m craving General Tao chicken (or gnome chunks covered in a bisquick style batter, then deep fried to a golden brown and dunked in General Nazgrim sauce)

i may end up buying an extra box today. not sure yet. :confused:

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Funny. It is what I plan to make for dinner tonight. Well not make. Heat up a frozen pack from Sam’s lol

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On my main account I now have only one character under level 100. I need to choose one to delete so I can make a Vulpera. Which one am I least attached to? :thinking:


Grumbles about the new ACNH update sure u need a wet suit and can only buy it but neither the seemstress or nooks have it.

Haven’t tried it yet. I just heard that the patch broke some bridges for some players.

No clue game workign for me.

It’s not hitting everyone. Those players are forced to demo and rebuild the bridge for now.

Im confused about how a update is causing issues with bridges and having players to demo stuff but thats odd.

Same thing with every bug.

In this case it’s like an invisible wall at the center of the bridge.

ah ok i havent encountered it on my 2 bridges so yay me.

Aren’t Moonkin white meat (light or dark confusingly)? Like chicken and pork and snake and turkey and rabbit and squirrel as opposed to red meat; like beef or buffalo or lamb or horse or venison or whale?

Oh, and you must try moonkin cooked over charcoal with Cornell Chicken Barbecue Sauce, good with gnome as well I’d imagine.

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