[CS LOUNGE] Country roads, take me home

Yarr, that was our thought too, so I did a little after I posted. Hopefully it’ll do the trick.

That was another thought. I don’t think there’s much but central heating that uses gas, though; everything else is electrical. And since it’s getting into summer, I sure don’t have the heat on! As a precaution, I turned off any HVAC though.

As a side note, the new FFVII remake trailer dropped:

It looks so gorgeous!!!


Gah, I see that picture, and I’m reminded of having 40+ hours in a save game, getting to the end of the first disk, and then being so horrified by what happened that I deleted the save and started over hoping against hope there was some way, any way, to change the outcome. (Also … to not have anything on her, because losing some valuable gear because she’d been my favorite was terrible.)

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Are the forums misbehaving for anyone else, or do I need to fidget with my browser?

Specifically - clicking Dismiss New isn’t dismissing them, opening many threads is showing me no text, just the buttons [Bookmark] etc to the bottom of the page with the scrollbar on longer posts overlapping Suggested Topics.

There are some things being looked into right now

Ah, thank you! I have some addons that can break pages on occasion, so just wanted to be sure it wasn’t my end.

I bet it’s your drake ghostie eating them :dragon: :rofl:

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That happened to me last year but with my carbon dioxide detector. Scared the heck out of me, X_X

Have some chill music: (This song helped me get through long drives in the empty desert at night.)


I didn’t notice the coins until you said something, That’s so cool, You are right about a lot of detail going into that mount, I just love they way he smiles when he does his circle and then waddles when he plops to the ground, He’s my favorite mount now for cross land and flying, My water strider still is for well… water and my Traveling Tundra Mount for repairs and selling stuff.

I now have 281 mounts however only 240 usable by a single character so I need 10 more that are usable by that character to get the 250 and receive my reward of the Felfire Hawk and the 70 achievement points.

Yeah I was having issues with the board too. Pages refused to load all the way.

Wife and I went to our local Chinese Buffet for lunch, Only $7.99 a person and all you can eat, Has a great selection, I ate a lot of shrimp with cocktail sauce, Baby Bok Choy and fresh whole green beans in a garlic type sauce, stuffed mushrooms, Sushi, Tuna, Salmon and topped it off with fresh Cantaloupe and Honeydew Melon.
They have 5 bars of food and always fresh and the price is cheaper then I could buy and prepare at home.

PS; If he were my son I would have him do the dishes since he let them sit; We always wash ours while we’re cooking and immediately after we eat that way the food doesn’t dry on them or have a sink full of dirty dishes in water for a whole day, It’s just easier and gets it done.
PPS: I wasn’t that way though until I got married, Before that when I was a bachelor sometimes they would sit for a couple of days. :laughing:

Hoping you all having a good night. I’m going fishing with my friends this Saturday for rainbow trout. Should have a good time. :smiley:


Fighting a chest cold right now. Getting ready to re-season some iron ware I have. (Skillet and griddle).

Feels like it has been one of those weeks. And I ~still~ haven’t made time to go see Endgames. :sweat_smile:


Agreed, this week was a bit rough for me.

Fridays are my Mondays, so… happy weekend to you all? :yellow_heart:

Here’s a song that brings some hope around.


I am ridiculously tired. I need a nap but can’t sleep. Too much on my mind.

And now there is an awesome Pokemon movie to see too!@#!$!@

Happy Friday, everyone!


My Monday as well.

Son had a very rough morning. It was just in his head he did not have to listen and mom was having none of that. So I emailed his teacher and gave her a heads up. He is more stubborn than a mule j swear.

He is NOT going to be happy when he gets home and is reminded he is grounded from TV today.

On the flip side though, tacos for dinner. Never go wrong with homemade tacos. Including frying the tortilla because my wife will not let me make it any other way.


Just Curious; Did you get him to do the dishes from the other night?

Also how old is your son Mast; If I’m asking something you would rather not say just tell me, I know that many children nowadays feel like they can walk all over the parents.
If that had been me and I had been disrespectful I would have got my butt spanked by Mom then possibly Dad and put on restriction on top of that.

Nowadays it seems since the government has “rules” on how we punish our children we have problems with our children being disrespectful and not caring about much of anything; Like the old good book says: spare the rod and spoil the child.

However I know from what you write Mast that you keep yours in line.

The eldest, 15 did the dishes yes. This is his brother. He is 8 haha

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