[CS LOUNGE] Country roads, take me home

Oh I was kidding about the gold haha. M
And I LOVE my Hogrus mount. We used to run a conga line in Dazaralor on them haha.

And his mount special? His wiggle squat to jump up. Don’t get me started on his little waddle as he lands.

I use mount favorites but have a few on my bar. Meat wagon, blood crawg from Uldir meta, yak, water strider. And Hogrus.


I paid for 2 copies of BFA that way, one a deluxe, as well as Warcraft 3 remastered haha…
Possibly Blizzcon this year. We will see if I feel the virtual ticket is worth it. Last year it was not, and it was going to be my first year purchasing.


I’m supposed to be putting together a skirt pattern. But I got distracted by my paints.



When the movie version of the Broadway musical was made a lot of people expressed surprise that neither of the two main leads were singers. Clint Eastwood did better than expected, his version of “I Talk to the Trees” was actually not too bad considering.

Lee Marvin flat out couldn’t sing so he basically talked the lyric with good backing, his big number “I was born under a wandering star” came out ok.

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Always a smart move.

In other news, I received a new-to-me video card. I’ve upgraded from a GX-650 to a GTX-760. Also upgraded my power supply from a 300-watt to a 750-watt to run the new card. So far so good. No lag in Stormwind, even with upgraded display settings, sound and music enabled.


Yeah I love my Hogrus mount too! I like what he does while in a no fly zone with the waddle you talked about and then the little fly with a smile in a circle a few feet off the ground and plop lands butt facing the screen and waddles a little when landing; I wish there was a way he could do this in flying zones but I have yet to find a way, he just flies up for me.

Try the command:


Thank you very much!

Edit: Works perfectly; Set up a macro and there’s even a pig there to select for it; Cool, Thank You so much my little lady gnome friend! :smiley:



Also, look for the coins falling off of him. A lot of nice attention to detail went into that mount.

Edit. Bah gnomes are fast. I get a good work out trying to punt them. Now where did that Ruffle go?


Rude awakening today–my smoke detector beeped several times like it wanted to go off but wasn’t sure.

Opened windows and turned on fans just in case but I hit the reset button and it didn’t go off again, so I dunno. It was just replaced in January.

Ours only did that if the battery was dying or the detector itself was.

That was my first thought, too, but it’s practically brand-new; I watched the maintenance guy take it out of the box. Plus, it’s hooked to house power with battery backup; it shouldn’t be using battery much at all.

It doesn’t seem to have gone off again since, so we’ll see how it goes when I cook tonight.

I had one that went off for an electrical scorch smell not smoke. I have no idea if that’s supposed to happen. My kids have a long poker stick for the over cooked sausage smells. They hear the alarm, look around and poke it off.

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If you can, give it a quick vacuum while it’s still attached to the ceiling. The sensor may just have dust on it from before it was installed and a light vacuuming might do the trick too.

Unless it’s faulty. I had a Nest Protect die just less than a year after I got it. Nest replaced it for free for me though :slight_smile: The nice thing about the Nest devices is that it actually told me that it was dead with a message through the app.


:rofl: I was just looking at the latest pictures my daughter uploaded of my grandson, and one of them has just the right angle, lighting and facial expression that my immediate thought was “he looks like Ion”. That is seriously disturbing.

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Our WoW Ion?:open_mouth:

My cousin is named Ian. His parents didn’t know how it was pronounced so he has been always called Eye Ann, not Ee An.

Another thing is that many smoke detectors now also detect carbon monoxide; I had a problem with the detector due to cooking with gas and the oven and range was putting off too much of the carbon monoxide; Not sure if that’s the case with you just sharing info.

Yeah. It’s really weird how much that one picture pulls that off. The tuft of hair on the forehead, the face shape, the sort of squinting eyes he does a lot of. (I wish I could share, but baby gets privacy.)

Son didn’t dondishes last night so Chinese for dinner tonight.

Going with the shrimp in garlic sauce myself. Mmmm

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