[CS LOUNGE] Country roads, take me home

I used to buy tokens 3 years ago to gain game gold and buy the mounts that were sold for game gold but now I have so many characters that can earn gold doing various things and especially during Legion when gold was very easy to earn on the war table by the thousands and the rogues by collecting coins of air, I stock piled a lot of gold during that time.

I was hoping to buy those mounts as well but like you my gold has dwindled down buying game time but if I had done as you did and used it for game currency I may would have at least enough to buy the spider mount maybe but then again maybe not.

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As much as id like the spider mount or the new multi mount its just not feezable since the bronto vendors will be obsolete except xmog and AH.


The in-game economy (at least on my servers) seems to be in a bit of a slump as of late. I’m still making sales, just not as much as I would like. Also, would be nice if people would stop driving down the price of crafted mounts. /sigh


Ah crafted mounts i rember back in wrath someone put mustve been at least 5-10 mechano hogs on the AH for 1k instead of 10k suffice to say i dont think he got any of those back.


Ouch! Bet that someone was more diligent in their pricing checks after that slipup.


Dumbeldorf here, This is the character I play the most, He’s not really high in item level as I don’t have time to raid like I did years ago.

But yeah I know what you mean about the economy being in a slump, I’ve also noticed through the years that when it gets close to school being out for the summer there are more playing and in the fall when they go back to school the economy gets better.


You said that right, Ouch, I do that a lot too when people put things up for a really low % I will buy them up and put them back up for close to what the going price is.

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I’ve done some snipes here and there. Best one I can remember was during end of Cata and someone had put up a Gundrak Hatchling pet for 50 silver (when going price was between 5-10k gold). I held on to it for quite a while in case the seller messaged me about it. They never did and I eventually flipped it for 5k gold.


You have a good honest heart, I did that once when a player messaged me but it was only a 500 gold item but back in the Vanilla days that was a good chunk of gold.
I did do something really stupid once on the Pally I first started with; Back in the Vanilla days you could choose Weapon smith or Armor, Well I choose Armor at that time for this awesome plate chest piece, the mats were very hard to obtain however I worked hard and made one for myself and then got mats to put one up on the AH only to realize when I went to put it up that it was BoP; I felt like this biggest goofball and told just a select few in my guild about it but it spread and I got the works from my guildmates let me tell you, LOL :rofl:

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/throw shiny
/steal Miss Moo

Pickpockets merdrah for gold and only comes up with pocket lint and something unmentionable.

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No stealing Moo unless you take Bug too!

What in the fel is going on?


Are we truly wierdos were talking to random strangers in a thread id say were just a little crazy not wierd.

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lol, tried to fire up an old game I had. Windows was saying “this program will not work with Windows” I was going like “wut?”

It pays to actually read the read me docs.

It was an old MS-Dos program, I had to launch DosBox for it to work correctly. The game in question was Power Dolls.

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I miss the old school xcom not the new crap the original was the best.

/walk in
/look around
/runs out


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