I just got home and I will get to the next one next time… tragedy has struck this household and the tragedy is missing this.
AWEH. I was so looking forward to seeing you there. Im still around but am logging off soon. We will make sire to catch you at the next one o/
Did someone say knives? (also bump)
I do happen to have a little Alliance rogue, and with the current expac’s plot, she should come out to play more often…
SHE SHOULD. We are setting up when the next event is to get more people around! I hope to see you stop by.
Pst… Over here. The League øf Shadøws would like a word with you.
WAAAAH okay I will fully admit I took a big ol break from the forums from burn out or something. Idk. But im back! And would like to let you know (sorry about the short notice i promise the next one will be better) that we will have one of these this Friday at six Server time the 16th! If you cannot make it or already have plans that is fine! But late is better than never right?
Either way if you wanted to make it to this one and cannot do to timing because of the late notice. Please reach out to me here, through ingame mail, or on Discord if you can find me there. I would love to schedule private or group rp surrounding Crowhood even if it isnt on the monthly schedule.
Thanks yall and have a great week!
Doing this tonight at 6 server in the shady lady should people be interested! Remember to reach out even if you cannot make it tonight!
Posted in alleys and shady taverns of the world… something new, something… interesting. And something harder to identify than that of the average poster in common. Something… Encoded?
Jyvdovvk Jhssz. Dopzwlyz ohcl iyvbnoa fvb aopz tlzzhnl, huk aopz tlzzhnl thf nbpkl fvb av bz. Aol ulea Nhaolypun vm aol Jyvdovvk zohss il pu Ylkypknl. Ha aol vsk Zavuldhajo Rllw’z opnolza msvvy. Uld huk vsk tltilyz hsprl av il tla. H kpzjbzzpvu zohss il olsk, avwpjz pujsbkl aol ulea tllapun wvpua, khunlyz uld huk vsk, huk huf uld ybtvyz jyvwwpun bw. Yvnblz dov ullk hpk, vy dpzo av vmmly aolpy olsw hyl dlsjvtl, hz hyl aovzl dov zptwsf dpzo av mpuk h kypur huk h zavyf. Aol tllapun zohss il olsk ha zpe ilssz vu aol mpmalluao vm Qbsf.
But what could it mean!
The OOC of this will be posted soon, but ill leave people to poke at it and figure it out if they wish. Just a cute little encoded puzzle for the kind of people that like that!
Here is the OOC translation for the above script for those of you who who’s characters could have solved it, but maybe you didnt have the time or energy to! This was encoded using a caesarean 7 cipher, and i plan on coding more of these for the fun of it!
Crowhood Calls. Whispers have brought you this message, and this message may guide you to us. The next Gathering of the Crowhood shall be in Redridge. At the old Stonewatch Keep’s highest floor. New and old members alike to be met. A discussion shall be held, topics include the next meeting point, dangers new and old, and any new rumors cropping up. Rogues who need aid, or wish to offer their help are welcome, as are those who simply wish to find a drink and a story. The meeting shall be held at six bells on the fifteenth of July.
Once more this will be July 15th at our usual start time of 6 server, in Stonewatch keep in redridge (the old ruined for overlooking the lake).
Because of its location this one is more open to faction neutral characters or otherwise interested parties, even if we arent fully leaning out to the horde just yet.
I also have a list of names that can be contacted about this! Which means!! More rp!!!
For your character who may be looking for an in to all this, some interesting people to look into may be:
Ming of Redwing Tavern.
Scary the Elf, wherever their journeys take them.
Tilly the Librarian, in Dalaran (probably by appointment only)
Attraius Jones, dastardly pirate out of Duskwood.
This is already a wall of text and a half so ill cut it here but more to come! I have some plans for passphrases to let people know you are “in” or something. Just for added security!
Till then I hope to see you around, or rather I dont, its a rogue thing.
After some discussion. Crowhood has decided to use a passphrase for extra security. For those who wish to come but wont have time to find it ingame ill give it ooc as well. For those who are interested in collecting it IC. You will either have to collect it from one of our current members who wishes to bring you in, accompany someone else who is a trusted member, or discover it through another puzzles! Of which I will be posting sometime within the next week.
Alright! I have decided that oassphrases will be handed out icly…. This saturday! Which is when you next event is! In redridge at 6 server time! Im excited to see yall there!!
Looking forward to sneaky things!
Actually. bEST coast. Cannot spell best without Est
Guess what event is happening tomorrow in Redridge at 6 server!! (Its this one!!!)
@Luloo sent you an ooc ingame mail - about some possible hooks.
WIN. I cannot wait to take a peak <3
Happening tonight at 6 server! Cannot wait to see folk there!!
Starting up in 20 minutes!