Crossroad: Warrior or Mage?

Because Druids are unpopular, Paladins are garbage tanks, and the Warrior leveling experience is painful enough that a lot of them reroll before 60.

The key of course is to be a tryhard Shaman tank.

Become a War-Mage! The combat mage that wears plate! :rage:

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Aka SL Warlock


Because there are even fewer classes in classic that will be consistently capable of tanking. Right now in live we have Monk, DK, Warrior, Druid, Paladin, Demon Hunter ALL capable of tanking with the push of a button. That’s literally half the class roster. Their talents swap, and gear is close enough to function so they are good to go. And there is STILL a tank shortage.

In classic, easy swap is not be the case. A holy/ret Pally is not likely to have the gear setup to tank, nor will a rest/balance druid. So, if you happen to come across a feral or prot pally, they can tank, but I suspect that is going to be a rare find since I expect many paladins to be specced holy and druids to be specced resto for raiding. Meanwhile any warrior with a 1h and shield can tank just about anything. That’s 2 specs, and 1 class out of 9 classes.

I plan to level 3 characters concurrently to 60, 1 each day on a rotation. That way I’m always leveling with rested, and have access to 6 profession slots

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Personally you already sound sold on mage.

If you want to do dungeons while leveling as warrior you will generally be expected to tank. Other warrior tanks generally don’t want DPS warriors in the group due to loot sharing.

That said I think you overstated the difficulty involved in leveling warriors. Sure mage is a good bit faster, but post 30 warriors are very very good at grinding quickly. The trick is sticking to lower level humanoid mobs that drop cloth and kill them 4 at a time with WW… or the hamstring kite with a very slow 2 hander on higher mobs. Sticking to humanoids means you can just bandage after fights, which is far faster than eating generally.

Warriors actually have very minimal downtime when played correctly.

what about melee leeway and spell batching, are they gonna have a big impact on the meta?

I would go both.

Whats stopping you?

I’m literally gonna spec all nine classes with Alliance and the Horde on a PvE server.

I’m going to have an absolute blast with it.

I would rather focus on one. To learn and be good at one class.

Mage and warrior are the two classes I played at level 60 in Vanilla. Warrior gameplay in raiding will be much more satisfying than mage gameplay as you have more of a damage rotation/priority than simply spamming frostbolt/fireball. Mages are great for solo play (grinding, PvP) but also offer good utility in dungeons. 5-man dungeon tanking is honestly a lot of fun (based on my memories of Vanilla) and does not require talent investment into prot. I actually did all of the dungeons as an arms warrior with not a single prot talent spent. All of the pros and cons you listed in your post are true.

The biggest thing to consider is personal preference. Which character would you be excited to log in and play every day based on class fantasy?

I’ve got a similar dilemma with which class to roll. Ideally I just want to roll one character for classic.

With warriors are you able to tank all dungeons well even at 60 with 0 points in prot? Ie: if you went 31/20/0

Also pvp wise out of mage & war which class would need to respect the least if you also wanted to do some raiding? Let’s say you’re not speccing min max for MC, would you be able to do it as arms or pvp frost spec?

And finally, how much harder will it be for a warrior to get their normal & epic mount compared to a mage?


Obviously, a few points in prot makes it better, but it is 100% not needed.

You can tank raids too that way. I certainly did. Looking back, if i were to do it again, I would probably have done 31/5/15 though just to make my healers lives easier. But 31/20 is fully capable.

Is Arms Dps a thing in raiding or is there 0% chance you’ll get an invite unless you’re fury?

OP sounds like a rogue actually…

It’s not the greatest. You’ll still likely get an invite if you make sure to make it known you are available to tank it/offtank certain fights. Many raids need multiple tanks for adds or various fight mechanics.

Fury does better dps, but the warrior who is willing to do what the raid needs most gets the invite every time. Arms keeps up close enough to not be dead weight, but you probably won’t be topping meters. There are plenty of slots for fury arms and prot warriors in a typical raid anyway.

Community and social bonding over spec in Classic.

I’m curious. Why is that?
Edit: I found out that one of my friends is gonna play Rogue btw.

You like DPS.
You dont want to tank.
You like weapons
PVP alone = Rogue.

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OP it seems like you have been reading up quite a bit on Vanilla classes. I agree with almost everything that you laid out.

I’d say the determining factor would be the fact that you said you will primarily a solo player. I found warrior to be absolutely pitiful as a solo class. Mages are one of the best solo classes. On top of that they are probably the best class in dungeons and easily stackable in raids. As long as you don’t mind being a vending machine I think mage is the way to do.

I see your point.
Rogue would be my third choice tbh. Its a cool class and all, but I didnt like the whole combo points + energy system. Also the skills didnt appeal to me, except stealth. Watching streams, feels like is the hardest class to master. I saw some of Payo streams, the guy is a beast on Rogue. He makes it look so easy. At the same time, I watched Summit trying to learn it and it was bad lol, he struggled so much. I imagined myself on his same position. But I know Its not fair to compare though, due to the playtime of both streamers. Anyway, just random thoughts about the class.

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my advice since i played them both to end game, get each of them to 20 and go with what is really floating your boat. love a warrior, love a mage…but im gonna go shammy this time around. wait, is a shammy a warrior and mage rolled into one?