Cross Realm Issues

I understand cross realm Auction House is bad for the economy, but how about just allowing to trade with any Toon from any realm. Many times I was trying to help a new player but could not give them anything, like money, bags, gear, etc. Also, when trying to from guilds it’s really hard to get people to sign charter for new guild if you can’t find anyone from joined realms. My guild that i’ve been in for 10 years left our realm because the Guild master said the realm was dead. So i what have to pay to transfer all my toons to another realm. Make you wonder why this problem has not been fixed. Try connecting 4 realms or more if needed. You are killing wow by not allowing trade with toons from other realms. I’ve been playing for 15 years and would hope that Blizzard can fix this. But i’m afraid I don’t have high hopes.

I agree with this^^