Cross realm battlegrounds and OCE

Forgot about no premade queue.

Were you planning to play rogue? I remember trying one in vanilla and people rubber-band around, and you have to be running a few metres ahead of them to hit them when chasing (to compensate for 200 ping).

Ya probably playing rogue, toyed with the idea of something new but it’s been my main for a very long time… Definitely well before oce servers were a thing so I’m hearing you on having to compensate heavily.

Who knows what’ll happen really I guess, it’s probably a safe bet going with being tied to NA like normal :frowning:

Lag + spell batching is actually better for us, you will see :slight_smile:

On current wow in US bgs i get around 250ms+ and without the spellbatching it feels rly bad as melee

I don’t remember it being much better if at all for melee way back when, but memory is shot so can’t be sure… You’re 100% on current NA arena/bgs feeling like absolute garbage tho, is honestly the entire reason I won’t play retail :man_shrugging:
The solution is to just play better I know

As someone pointed out there is a difference (to me) between cross realms, and cross realm battle grounds.

They have been clear - and emphatic - on cross realms, to date nothing has been stated on cross realm BGs. (And honestly I wouldn’t trust them if they said no XBGs anyway - it’s too early to make that call I think)

For instanced PvP its actually whoever zones in first determines the host server location.