I wonder if it’s embarrassing for the Horde how many of their worst decisions occurred because their feelings got hurt.
There was a lot of wasted narrative potential with the Nightborne interacting with the rest of elvenkind, I feel; and about half of it was thrown away in favor of giving Horde the thematic equivalent of Blood Elves 2.0.
I’m honestly disappointed nobody mentioned the new humanoid Neruwubians they teased at BlizzCon.
Huh, i forgotten about them. Odd.
I’d personally appreciate being able to pick my faction on any character of any race, either at character creation or by completing a per-character questline. Some of my characters have standard faction loyalties (or have no faction loyalties but are loyal to their people and not inclined to make it complicated), but some would go cross-faction if I could do it, and there are some who I would like to be able to have avatars for on both sides.
Short of that and/or from a broader point of view, these are the races that I think should be cross-faction in general:
- Nightborne – I actually don’t think it’s unrealistic for the Nightborne government/elite to substantially favor the Blood Elves over the Night Elves, so if they had to join a faction then the Horde makes sense, but I don’t think they really had a good enough reason to join a faction at all. If not for mechanics and the premise of BfA being Everyone Takes Sides, I would have expected them to remain officially neutral, even if they had a special relationship with the Blood Elves and everyone knew it. Even with Suramar as a city-state joining the Horde, though, I would expect enough individual Nightborne to want to instead join the Alliance in general or the Kaldorei in particular to justify their being a cross-faction race.
- Goblins – There being a cartel and various individuals with the Horde makes sense, but some goblins (or a whole cartel) choosing to enter a preferential relationship with the Alliance would also make sense.
Not to be a downer, but as a simple reminder, this feature of choosing race and faction in ESO is available only through a micro transition to unlock the ability account wide…which I personally would prefer WoW to keep away from. Not that there are not already micro transactions in WoW already, but I’d rather them not copy Zenimax’s cash shop strategy as it is just… a lot.
Edit: fixed a typo
I think there is a lot of potential here and honestly, I think some of the ideas could be really fun! I could be wrong but I think Ogres already have more animation skeletons than most other mobs.
Yes we need a faction remix and maybe a third faction to represent all the ideologies at play
The Despicable Neutrals
Capital City: None, we’re all equals here
Leader: The Friendship Committee
World PvP Casus Belli: I will kill you guys if you don’t let us come RP in your cities
Anduin Human
Blood Elves
Nice Dwarf
Thrall Orc
Fox Person
Gazlowe Goblin
Nice Gnome
Dracthyr with calming scale colors such as pink
The Justifiably Aggrieved Former Alliance
Capital City: Darnassus Theramore New Gilneas
Leader: Genn or Jaina or Tyrande depending on whether the writers decide to characterize them as aggressive and vengeful on that particular day
World PvP Casus Belli: Guys why do we keep doing nothing after orcs genocide us
Night Elves
Nightborne who like nature I guess and remember that Night Elf helped them get off the juice
Mean Gnome that says the bad swears
Kul Tirans/Um Jaina Humans?
Edgy Moira Dwarf
Void Elf
Dracthyr with blue or purple scales
Warhammer 40k Draenei
The True Zug Horde
Capital City: Garroshmar (true name of Org after we kick out all the people we dont like)
Leader: The Memory of Garrosh (he was so cool)
Non Thrall Orc
Handsome Troll
Tauren who is still mad about Taurajo
Fat Goblin
Dracthyr with cool edgy scale colors such as black and red
Nightborne who are still mad about Tyrande being rude
Ji Firepaw for some reason
Ji likes being close to the war crimes but not actually participating. He is strictly a fan.
This is a grade A prime cut of crappost.
The Despicable Neutrals take Valdrakken as their Capital City though.
Australian Turalyon: “We’re not here to fu make romance with spiders.” *sees a Newrubian “… actually, I take that back…”
Kobolds would be interesting. They have a new model update coming in War Within and I swear I saw a female one in a screenshot somewhere.
Side note: Troll pfp, says level 70 Warlock Also love the name of that guild you are in!
Ok I know I said I was against cross faction races and all but there’s one I would absolutely don’t mind and even enjoy for being cross faction.
Give me imperialistic conquerers trying to motivate their respective factions to buy into warlike and domineering attitudes. I want warlords vying to restore their glory days by proxy wars between the Horde, Alliance, and anyone else standng in their way. I want comicial interations where players are like on diplomatic missions or being standard grade A heroes but here comes the Mogu all “They dishonor you with their weakness! Subjugate these peasents!”
I want to live my warlord power fantasy through some Mogu toons and I’ll arm wrestle Blizzard for the chance to have it.
You look like you got friends on the Other Side …
I just happened across a strange portal yesterday sitting oddly in the middle of some beach outside Lordanel. It stuck out like a thumb that had just met the business part of a hammer being used by someone with horribly, bad hand/eye coordination and who really had no business using that hammer to begin with.
This portal wasn’t there when I left WoW so of course I walked around it 4-1/2 times, no less and no more, wondering if I should activate it. There is a considerable amount of anxiety that can be generated when dealing with strange, random portals so I counted to 5 but actually activated the portal at precisely 3-3/4, again, no less and no more.
I say give Bel’ameth to the “True Zug Horde”.
My reasoning is simple and it does not involve fire or burning anything down. Blizzard could give us a new starting zone where “The Justifiably Aggrieved Former Alliance” turns all the goblin deforestation devices they marched through Kalimdor against Amirdrassil.
I imagine that with a little bit of elbow grease and some of that Gnomish ingenuity provided by the “mean Gnomes using bad swears”, I’m sure we could quickly bring that damn Trojan World Tree down!
I would love to make a Horde Dark Iron dwarf. Of all the Alliance races to be allowed to join the Horde I feel like they would fit the best honestly.
I remember talking about this one when allied races were first discussed. That, and the fact that Highmountain Tauren would have been an interesting Alliance addition.
I just want my red waggle waifu on Horde side…
I would have played Highmountain regardless of what faction they were on.