Cross Faction Dungeons, Raids, and Rated PVP

Must’ve been terrible though, sitting in an Order hall, surrounded by Horde NPCs and Players, working with them, taking quests from them. I cannot imagine how your immersion wasn’t shattered.

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I wasn’t working with Horde players. As for working with Horde NPCs, I’m a paladin, pretty much all the NPCs I had to work with were Alliance except for Liadrin, the blood elf. They used to be a part of the Alliance before they were done wrong by Lordaeron and in lore they’ve almost rejoined the Alliance a couple of times… so no, no immersion problems.

I’m not sure why you are so obsessed about my immersion and gaming decisions. I stated I didn’t agree with what you wanted but for some reason you feel like you have to prove something that I don’t think many people reading this will give two dangs about.

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Not so much obsessed as pointing out how many times we’ve worked for/with the other faction as is. Blizzard pretty much pushes it every expansion. The idea of players being able to make cross-faction guilds just seems like such a ludicrous hill to die on.

“Sure, they can play together, and group together, and the story can have us teaming up and working together, but joining the same guild?!”

I’ll be honest, this is fantastic news and a win for RP’ers and Alliance content runners. And for me, this will allow Hearthstone Tribe to FINALLY be able to have non-Horde Tribal members in its ranks, something we’ve always sought out after on an IC and RP level.


Pretty safe to say obsession at this point. If you were to quit the game because they don’t allow cross faction guilds or whatever content decision that you didn’t like and pushed you away from the game, I’m not going to care nor have issue with you making that decision. It’s capitalism, you as a customer are free to make decisions for whatever reason you want. If someone quits the game because of something they don’t like, you shouldn’t care. It’s just weird. With that, I’m not going to respond anymore.

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You’re implying I do care. All I pointed out was the obvious choice that you didn’t have to join a cross-faction guild, and your immersion would not be ruined.

Have a good one.

Argents everywhere right now:


Seriously though, this will make server campaigns and events SO MUCH EASIER - yes, even the RP-PvP ones! That’s one less facet we’ll have to fret over as DMs and coordinators. Just make a xfaction bnet community for your event, get everyone in it, invite to raids, and go.

Of course some of these events are massive so I imagine CrossRP addon will still be very useful to link raids together. And you’ll still need pots for things like TOA, WFC, and WC, because not everyone will be in the bnet community. But man! It’s a start, and a long-awaited one.


I am fairly hyped and look forward to being able to use raids and other places for cross-faction rp storytelling.


I’m excited and this is true.

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I have mixed feelings. As I only started to RP on wow nearly four years ago now. (Been raiding since launch)

The Raider/PVPer in me is like yay this is amazing.

The Rper in me is hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm but brings interesting prospects.


When can my Horde friends move into Stormwind? I already have my tent set-up there.

Yes! I want proper Cenarion Circle, Ebon Blade, Earthen Ring, Argent, Darkmoon Faire, Bloodsail Buccaneer, Twilight Clutist, and Illidari guilds. Also might bring some new life into neutral cities.


Yes! I would love this. All these pirate crews in the game (over 20) and have little to no lore/interaction other than a few kill quests.


To me it doesn’t go far enough. Imagine the fun role play possibilities questing open world! A night elf and Tauren questing together to protect a forest from goblin machines. Human and undead relatives working together to clean up their old family home! A void elf and blood elf working to remove blighted earth from the dead scar and restore silver moon.


A night elf, an orc, a gnome and a vulperan walk into a bar…

…and nobody bats an eye. My personal RP has been heading in this direction for a while. Nice to see the game might catch up.

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So any given Tuesday at the Rusty Nail? :wink:


That’s pretty much what I had in mind when I wrote it…

Heck, I hear you even accept blood elves with magnificent thick manes of long red hair.

So long as they have coin, of course.