Crickets... Nothing but crickets

If you haven’t had fun in Phase 1 and 2, then you probably shouldn’t be holding out for Phase 3 and 4 lol.

Not every aspect of Phase 1 and 2 of SoD has been fun to me, but enough has been that I’m still playing it. Even then, might be just about time to take a break and come back when Phase 3 has been announced so I can recharge and refresh my batteries.

theyre trying to figure out how buff shamans, priests, and boomkins further, while leaving warriors, and rogues even further in the dust.

Definitely head in the sand / tucking tail.

They made stealth changes to STV alter/LOA and don’t even post about them. I’m in favor of the changes they made and wish I knew, maybe I would try it again, but nah just all in the dark now because of how awful 95% of the changes have been.

They’re waiting for the OTK duel tournament, which means there should be a slew of balance next week.

Your title would be much scarier if it was “Spiders… Nothing but spiders”. Also yes, the devs are MIA.

Lol you think they are at work this week?

It’s spring break.

the same 5 people just keep making posts about how sad SOD is - i’m thinking it might be a you thing, not a SOD thing

Smol multi-dollar indie company.

Idk why everyone is complaining the game feels GREAT right now.

man i envy all you guys i wish i had the time to play this game as much as you

still not wsg rep exalted but working on it, just started first alt @level 11. Let the phase cook please

I like how melee dominated in phase 1 and has dominated pve in vanilla forever, but 1 phase of casters being slightly ahead is a huge deal hehe

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hehe now the latest complaint is we don’t get curated changes on weekly basis! wow. did we get that in classic? who knew SoD was such a flagship seasonal server that it requires five star concierge service. They want to talk to the manager!

I dunno man I worked for FP studios for 2 years and they were amazing. Good people, good money and a great work environment.

But…we have been getting them on a weekly basis. The last one was last Tuesday.

Phase 2 would be solid if the pvp was even mildly decent. It is gutter tier, though

Except pvp is the worst its ever been in WoW history

Crazy how much time we all invested on playing SOD when there’s probably a whole three people at blizzard working on it


im guessin they’re keepin a few eyes on the cata beta plus maybe spring breakin?

If I were a dev I wouldn’t communicate with this awful and entitled community. At least not on these forums.

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They’re busy working on Sunken Temple raid.