<Creeping Doom> 8/8H 4/8M Vault Tues/Thurs 8-11 EST

Consistently getting to P3 with a few sub 5% Wipes on KT! Need some Range DPS!

KT down. On to Sylvanas!!

Great Progress on Sylvanas! Looking for a solid Ranged DPS!

Looking for a Healer, preferably a Priest.

Still chipping away at Sylvanas. Looking for a Solid Mistweaver or Shadow Priest!

Looking for some solid dps to get CE. maybe a healer non druid!

Pushing into P2 Sylvanas. Looking for a Hybrid Healer and Ranged DPS to get CE before 9.2!

Looking for exceptional players of any class. Warriors Highly considered!

Recruiting NOW for 9.2!
Looking to add exceptional players to our Main and Alternative Team.
For more info Please contact Via, Battle tag: Selorkie#11481

If you need a Fury/Arms 252 ilv 8/10 M Warrior, let me know! Wark#2983

Looking for a couple strong dps, Recruiting for 2 raid teams

Looking to add some strong Range DPS!

Looking for some Mythic ready dps!

Still searching, come for your forever home!

Looking for a flex healer and some dps!

Searching for a healer and some dps!

Adding some Range DPS to the Mythic group!

Looking to add some dps to the team!

Still looking to add good ranged dps!

Crab dead!