Crashing every 30 seconds

It doesn’t matter if it was this week or earlier. The question was if you ever clicked Play before allowing the patching to complete. Doing so corrupts the game files and causes it to attempt to download during the game, which further corrupts the files since CASC doesn’t like being accessed while it’s patching.

If this continues for you, I would suggest deleting the /Data folder inside the WoW folder (while the ap is not running), emptying the trash, and launching the app and clicking Update (the Play button will have changed to Update due to the BDA detecting missing files). Let the update process finish completely before you click Play.

If nothing else, this eliminates corrupted files as an issue and gives you a fresh contiguous install, which would speed up your loading screens, especially if you’ve got the game installed to an APFS volume, which double dips on CASC’s inefficiencies since APFS shares the enumeration scheme used by CASC.

Has anyone upgraded to osx 15 sequoia?
am in the processing of updating now

Yup! I have Sequoia 15.2 and crashes either on startup or a few minutes in! I tried downgrading to the previous ios and continued crashing. The screen freezes, computer reboots, and after signing back into my computer, I get this message:

panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7f9e2cb0ca): “Submission on work queue 39 failed due to insufficient space!\n” @IGGuC.cpp:3127
Panicked task 0xffffff9a164bf698: 46 threads: pid 384: World of Warcraf
Backtrace (CPU 0), panicked thread: 0xffffff9a158a00e0, Frame : Return Address