Crash to desktop - dx12 related?

Hi there so I had a couple of crashes and it seems to be dx12 related? I can’t post the entire error message here as the editor finds links but here it is.

pastebin . com / JP72rkx4

a small snippet…

  1. This application has encountered a critical error:
  • ERROR #134 (0x85100086) Fatal condition!

  • Program: D:\WoW\World of Warcraft_retail_\Wow.exe

  1. ProcessID: 5960

  2. File: d:\buildserver\wow\1\work\shared-checkout\branches\wow-patch-8_1_0-branch-fastpatch-8\engine\source\gx\src\d3d12\gxdeviced3d12.cpp

  3. Line: 6151

  • Crashed setting graphics PSO pointer: 0x000002537b2833e0

Hey, Krandus!

This appears to be a shader cache issue with AMD drivers. We have a forum post about this here: Wow randomly crashing since 8.1 - #9 by Ibaraius

If the recommendations in the thread do not work, you may want to try a clean driver install to see if it helps:

  1. Start with a clean video card driver install. This will default all AMD settings, along with removing any possible corrupted installation. Completely uninstall your AMD drivers using:

Instructions for the Display Driver Uninstaller:

Here is a video walk-through, also:

  1. Download the newest driver and install it: