Crafting Orders Retrospective?

Another thread based on that one piece of gear.

same thing happens every expansion at the start


only if the crafter is silly enough to let people think max quality is likely when it isn’t.

other than a few issue, I like this new crafting system.

what a terrible idea - it will still be the person camping that station that gets it, all you will do is have 20 other people waste their time running to an order that is gone.

Yeah that’s true. Ultimately it would be treating a symptom rather than the cause. The cause being that the demand for public crafting orders far outstrips the supply.

I have my alt army moving along well - I figure I should be able to level up all their professions just by providing the others with items.

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So far as I’ve seen every crafted item can be completed at max quality using max quality mats (including max quality optional reagents) plus an illustrious insight. Crafters who have max skill, including from specialization, already exist for every crafted item in the game, since enough k.p. has been collected for that to happen. This reinforces your point 2 but, if you’re willing to buy the illustrious insight and spam in trade chat enough, you don’t need to gamble.

They never learn the lessons of the past. They start off with a good idea and keep making it more and more complicated until it becomes a nightmare.

It might look good inside their developer bubble where you build and play a game you know inside and out, but to the average gamer logging in for a couple hours it’s a huge tangled mess.

You won’t see them admit to mistakes though. Even in their post today they admit to problems but are taking a wait and see approach. Same as they did with covenant swapping in Shadowlands. They’ll wait until it’s too late and frustrated people have quit already.


I for one would never buy/sell in trade chat. It’s not reasonable to trust a total stranger. It does make sense to do that within a guild, but you at least have some type of connection with those people. So is the game headed in the direction that you are supposed to be in a guild in order to play?

worse part people placing 1 silver comision for stuff and dummies actually fullfilling said order.

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How else are people supposed to do the god aweful weekly?

Also, why is tipping culture now way more prevalent in this expansion? I understand the commission if you’re providing mats, but If I provide all the mats and all you’re doing is hitting a button and the stupid system is already costing me 20g just to use it… why would I ever want to pay you to simply hit a button?

If this system was as hyped up as it was meant to be, and worked as it was intended than a person should never need to utlize their own mats to level up their professions. However, this isn’t the case and never will be. Most people are having to use alts to make workorders to themselves just to complete a weekly. Most people are sitting stranded at a certain level of profession skill simply because they cannot create goods to level up their profession.

This new profession system sucks. It has good merit, and in a perfect world would be awesome. However, we live in a far from perfect world and this system is failing because of it. I would rather do Torghast everyday than deal with these new professions. They have good improvements, don’t get me wrong, but the overall design needs major rework to actually make this feasible beyond the rare minority who either got lucky with their profession knowledge placement or read guides.


They should’ve waited and saw, and saved this “retrospective” post. Should’ve come to us with solutions ready to be implemented for 10.0.05.


You’re not paying them the commission to hit a button, you’re paying them because they sunk time and resources into leveling up their crafting such that the button was available for them to press, otherwise you would have crafted it yourself.


It’s not dumb.

Supply and demand is in a state where opportunities to craft are more valuable than the crafting itself.

If negative commissions could be entered, I’d still be filling them if there was a skill gain to be had.

This was not a community council idea, though someone there might have started a thread about it. People have been asking for buy orders for many years.


There are some major issues with crafting, although it is a massive improvement over WoW’s ‘traditional’ system of crafting. Let’s start with the first item:

Blizz seems to have an over-large fetish for making things soulbound and it’s really really dumb. Things, particularly crafted things, should be BOE not BOP. I’m fairly sure blizz does this because they are also over-infatuated with various western culture issues that I can’t go into here on the forums. But this is a cultural issue and it’s a major problem in the design philosophy of the game that leads to iLvL bloat that’s completely unnecessary. We don’t need 30+ iLvL per tier… ten would be fine.

The next aspect is the fact that you can’t be all crafters at once, that severely limits the ability to take advantage of synergies and creates opportunity for gouging.

Add onto that the fact that blizz is fascinated with silly BOP mats and yeah it just spirals out of control fast. Adding the fact that blizz couldn’t help but make it an RNG slot machine instead of an actual player skill thing where crafting itself is a minigame and it’s just sad.

Honestly it feels like someone read a summary of FF14 crafting but never bothered to play it and actually dive deep into it. I’d take ff14 crafting any day over this.


That would be very dangerous for powerful items that are intended to be restricted by Spark of Inspiration acquisition. Someone with an alt army could get a ton of Sparks as soon as the first one is available and deck themselves out in full gear day 1. Which doesn’t sound like a good thing to me.

Or a spark could be an upgrade item you can only use after you’ve bound the gear to yourself. :roll_eyes:

Either way, dismissing what I said without actually understanding it, makes this pointless to continue. The devs did half a job and don’t understand the flaws in their philosophy because of cultural issues.

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Not what people want to hear, but specialization has solved the single most important issue that has prevented crafting from being relevant since ~TBC.

There are more crafters than there customers.

If everyone could craft the best gear/whatever. Then the AH would be flooded with gear/goods sold at a loss as crafters scrable to out compete each other for the few customers that exists. This was the case on pretty much any high pop server for the past few expansions. Enchants on my realm sold for less than the materials for the entirety of Shadowlands, outside of the first few weeks. This is still true in Dragonflight as well, outside of max level goods.

Blizzard tried to solve this issue in the past by heavily time gating the amount of high tier material a crafter could produce, and make it BoP. See MoP and it’s myriad of BoP crafting materials. But that introduced another problem, that being it would take literally a month to produce some goods because you could only make 1 or 2 of the BoP materials a day, while needing 30 of them, like for example the Sky Golem.

Is the current system perfect? Not by any means, but the foundation is there for something great.

They always say things like this. Remember when they announced during Shadowlands how well they liked the covenant system?

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Its not terrible for such a massive overhaul. Professions are clearly another progression path now, as its going to take me months to max them all out.

The public work order system is obviously the stinker in the whole thing. It replicates functions that the AH fufilled just fine, for no obvious benefit. Like tacking on social media to a web service that doesnt need it. For example, I have a bunch of BoP drake customizations that no one is going to order, maybe ever. The simple short term fix would be to make some more stuff BoE while we decide what exactly the system is supposed to do.

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I would say the biggest difference between work orders and the AH is the Sparks of Inspiration. If work orders were just AH with extra steps, then a player with gold could get as many high ilvl crafted items as they wanted immediately. Sparks limit the rate at which any one character can benefit from the system.

Ultimately I think work orders’ biggest failure is that there’s no incentive for people to post crafting orders regularly. The scarcity of sparks ends up being both the main reason the system exists as well as its biggest weakness. No one wants to “waste” their sparks so they’re either holding them, afraid to spend them, or they look up the best thing to spend it on, get it crafted, then that’s it. They no longer need work orders after that.

I feel like Blizzard felt like I’d be fulfilling more crafting orders than I am by a long shot but… I can’t for the life of me figure out what they thought I’d be crafting.

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On low population servers the WO system is completely dead…not sure how Blizzard can be satisfied with a dead system.

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