Crackling jade lightning is trash

Take away Crackling jade lightning and give monks an ability like Concentrated flame in the form of a mist ball that we kick at our target. The only spec Crackling jade lightning is used is MW, and it doesnt do much damage. The ability would actually be used in core rotation and would help the occasional down time on your rotation for 1 additional chi and additional burst dammage.


Well it’s a good thing we’re getting the Emperor’s Capacitator effect back in SL as a legendary bonus. Turns CJL into legitimate Force Lightning.


in its current form its only used to tag enemies. not as a form of doing damage


It looks cool and is really only used to tag enemies and has a few cheese uses like knocking people off bridges and stuff. Not meant to be anything more than that.

I’ve killed people in arena that were sub 20% that got away and didn’t have the mobility to close the gap by CJL and praying for lethal strike procs that I was give.

Big skill stuff.


No. My favorite spell animation in the game and it deserves better.

I want a RDPS spec for monk so bad. I’ll never get it but maybe if I willingly give myself to the service of Ny’alotha then I can have it within an endless dream.

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remove the resource requirement. Let WW and BrM spam it to their heart’s content if they need to kite or run from melee range.


CJL feels rather awkward as a range pull option from a tank perspective.

Having to stop and channel even for a fraction of time to tag feels rough, when (I’m pretty sure) all other tanks have an instant cast range pull option.

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I hate that they even try making the spell part of the rotation. Its a bad spell that only works when it gets that Lego to super buff its dmg. Thats not fun. If a spell isnt used unless it needs borrowed power to work that spell needs changing or removal.

As much as I like the niche uses of Crackling, I’d rather it be made into something more useful like a persistent buff that envelops our arms with lightning and gives our attacks a chance to proc or permanently add lightning damage to them.

Or hell I wouldn’t mind an ability like that which was separate from CJL, this class needs some of its blandness taken care of, and ffs please crate a new FoF animation :frowning:

It is trash.
I want Spinning Fire Blossom back, but I don’t think that will happen.

Lets examine why it is trash.

  1. It does CRAP damage. Everything I list below would be okay if the damage was good.

  2. It spends energy, but doesn’t generate Chi. To be clear, it did generate chi in MoP.

  3. It requires that you don’t move. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe EVERY single melee class in the game has a ranged attack now of some kind, and I believe every single one of them can be used while moving.
    This leaves WW monk (supposedly a mobile spec) to be the only one who has to be motionless in order to attack at range. Seems pretty dumb to me.


and to pray that the knock will knock when you need a knock

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I might be in the minority here, but I say make CJL Brewmaster only, give it an effect similar to Lightning Lasso that Shamans have, and make the visual effect be that of your target becoming deformed like Papaltine when his force lightning was reflected back on to him by Mace Windu’s light saber.

I literally only use it to pull lady waycrest.

And… That’s it

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All melee classes have a ranged ability that isn’t part of their rotation.

It’s pure purpose is a mob gather in pve.

Or learn that it has an icd and no prayer needed.

There are quite a lot of uses for it, but if you manage to not need to that’s cool too.

The ability could be a lot better with some QoL improvements like being able to channel it while moving and having it cost no energy since it does pretty much no damage. It’s only good for pulling and knocking people back a few yards in PvP, don’t know why it costs 20 energy per sec.