Covenants defense, the "obligation" premise

It’s not difficult to go to a website to see what covenant to choice.

It’s a punishing choice with the restrictions, not a meaningful/difficult one.

A colossal failure from start to finish. Universally reviled by the playerbase at the time and a huge factor behind why WoD is still in the running for the worst WoW expansion of all time.

A complete failure and abysmal grindfest until the playerbase complained and Blizzard changed them to be a lot less horrible to deal with, although said changes came far, far too late to be considered “reasonable.”

A dead-on-arrival feature that was only saved when Blizzard completely abandoned its original vision for it.

Have you noticed a recurring theme with all these features that were “designed with X expansion in mind?”


It’s also not difficult to choose whatever you like thematically. The difficult part will be chosing which are you going to cheap out on, gameplay or theme. That is why this system sucks so hard in practice. That’s not a choice that should be put into any video game ever.

If I pick option A, will that stop Blizzard from making these ridiculous borrowed power systems?

This is just a question of perspective, it could be called Talent B system. Doens’t matter.
MMO requires changes to go on.

Not that simple when the choices give are Punitive.

Read up there are some choice’s that are clearly better then all others across the board.

I know you think they are handing us C, Blizzard thinks they are handing us C.
But those that want to pull the rip cord on this see only option D.

D) Choose the one pairing class/spec/covenant Blizzard has favored. All others will be punished with overall weakness.

All choices are the same OR certain choices are better than others, theres no middle ground.

Actually there is a way to equalize them.

A) Great direct damage.
B) Great AOE damage.
C) Ok direct damage with a kick bonus.
D) OK AOE with a kick bonus.

See all of those have equal usefulness to me and are balanced. I choose the one that will enhance how I play the best.

In my case I would choose D. Because I like AOEing and I’m great at kicking.

See how simple that was.

They will never have equal usefulness, unless they are the same spell.
But i get your point, they in fact could be more balanced.

For example, Kyrian paladin has a additional judgement, regular damage ability each 1 min.
Fae Feral druids has an ability that grant you 16 spells in the same cast.

This kind of difference is ridiculous.

I’m pretty sure 2 abilities isn’t the same thing as an entire class.

The only difference is quantity, same formula, same mechanism.
1+1 = 2 is math just like 1000+1000 = 2000, all that changes is the quantity.

Abilities, talents locked into a choice has exactly the same formula as classes.

So make them talents then. Easy.

Ok I will give you that. It depends on the environment the player is playing in to determine how useful it is.

I’m glad you see my point there. And sadly when you read up on this the skills made have huge differences that can not be ignored.

But I ask you this. What does this all have to do with style. Cause if I like hanging out in a crypt or a sparkly fae garden should be a choice that is up to me. But Blizzard is linking that choice with a different one that determines my dps.

Now I ask you should my transmog have anything to do with my dps?

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They really can’t balance some of them, since they are class specific instead of spec specific. Sometimes the worst choice for one spec is the best choice for another spec. So if you buff the ability for the one spec, it just makes it even more of a mandatory choice for the other spec.

They really have created a mess here.

About Spec/Covenants issue.
They could lock you into a covenant based on spec.

Thats the best thing i could think atm.

Those who dislike Covenants are MinMaxers: they put numbers before the game.
There is also people who not care about the Roleplaying part of the game (the RP in MMORPG).

Also, i think that with Covenants locking, people will not be able to sell as many carries for ALL aspect of the game.


How does that solve the problem of I love sparkly fairies and I don’t like hanging out in a crypt with rotting corpses? How does it solve a problem if they FORCE me via a punitive choice to hang out in the crypt?
Why does the style that I like have to be held random?

They will never do that because it will remove the player’s choice from the equation. Ill tank with the Venthyr tombstone even if i become fluffy and weak!

That point i understand but disagree.
“I like to fly but hate wings”
“i like to swim but hate water”

If you like angels you can’t cast necrotic thing granted by abominations.

You have to embrace all the package, the blizzard mission is to grant us proper balance.

What? lol. I’d love to hear the logic here.