Covenant Power does not equal Role Play

Some Paladins started out as Priests but they’re a bit different. Even according to the game guide, Paladins are holy warriors who use the Light while Priests are spiritual leaders.

They can make the jump from Priest to Paladin, but they’re not just “Priest who picked up a sword”.

It’s also not that a Paladin couldn’t use shadow magic, it’s that they wouldn’t. They’re dedicated to the Light.

Especially the Alliance ones as we’re a bunch of Light worshipping races.


Agreed. I wouldnt say there isnt any story, but its pretty week. Especially in regards to locking into one

I’m beginning to think people don’t know how actual ripcords work.

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Really torn between Kyrian and Venthyr for my Paladin.

Ripcord, a cord you pull to release a parachute and save your life. If they pull the ripcord and it unravels everything, it wasnt much of a safety measure

The venthyr paladin ability is thematically incongruent with my understanding of paladin. All that shadow magic that also heals?

Isn’t that canonically impossible for shadow to heal without also inflicting some pain? Eg shadow mend?

This is the RP incongruity that exists for me that makes it really difficult to approach these without seeing class Identity shift in pretty significant ways.

Now…all the geek speak aside, I don’t mean to dissuade you AT ALL from Venthyr. Was just my, umm, humble-ish take.

You say pull it and it saves your life.

Maybe Ion thinks pull it and all the careful planning and packing they did for a while is just released into the wind to do what it’s going to do.

Or maybe Ion doesn’t think we are in danger. Maybe Ion thinks we are on an escalator in a mall screaming about pulling the ripcord to save ourselves because we are so far off the ground.

I’m not trying to make light of your opinion but Blizz has heard the feedback and obviously thinks it’s still the right call.

Good idea or bad, looks like the debate is over.

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It’s only a popular opinion on GD really. The rest of the world is hype af.

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It could very well be the most efficient and thus ultimately right call to make because they may not have fully realized how interlocking these are as they go about buffing and nerfing them.

I’m excited to play the game regardless, and this, too, shall pass

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Well, the looks of Ashen Hollow and Venthyr armor/weapons are really convincing me to make my Belf Paladin go vampire. My Dwarf Paladin will definitely be going Kyrian though. If I ever get her leveled up.

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Yeah the aesthetics are boss, for sure, and the narrative/back story for Venthyr sounds really interesting and even appropriate for an inquisitor-type paladin. It’s my OCD with the class ability…

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Good to hear!

The people who think that covenant locking=role play probably think that you need to put points into profession: sailer to role play a sailer.

Its not over. In the post he explicitly says they are still listening to feedback

Then i guess that either wasnt a truthful statement about at the end of the day, theres a ripcord, or they did not plan it well