Covenant for Disc and Shadow? (Not holy.)

I’m having a hard time deciding what covenant to go for these… My main absolute #1 goal is m+ in game but also my boyfriend is a healing raid officer. So I will be expected to perform in raid situations if I take this character seriously.

I’m getting a lot of mixed messages and am left nothing short of torn on what to pick and choose.

What I’m seeing is necrolord/night fae are completely off of the table. But it’s a complete hodgepodge mess of Kyrian vs. Venthyr.

Edit: Nightfae buffs for 9.05? Could that be viable with a solid fire mage friend in m+?

Only adding that edit because apparently there are huge buffs coming for nightfae guardians in 9.05… really seems like it could be crazy for things like a fire mage’s combust window.

Is a buffing disc priest even a thing potentially?

I started out as kyrian. But swapped to venthyr.

Boon is great for 15+ mythic, but I found it to be a bit weird to fit into my rotation. The potion and the ability to change talents in the middle of a raid/dungeon is super nice.

But the skills from venthyr are invaluable for mobility and healing raids/low level mythics.

I miss the look of kyrian, but venthyr has been more useful to me.

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Yeah, I’m Kyrian, but often times Boon ends up being more of a disappointment than anything, especially if you don’t take Pelagos and the conduit for it, but I just like my regular good old fashioned Disc Priest healing so I just don’t even care to use it so I would rather use other conduits to help my throughput, like the Radiance one n such… Maybe better in higher keys, but I would say to go Venthyr, or I have even seen some of the best Disc Priest switching to Night Fae now, so there may be some good top end game play with them now, been thinking about giving it a try some time… Just dont feel like doing the renown thing again lol

If you plan on raiding as Discipline, then Venthyr is your only choice currently.

Even should Spirit Shell fall out of use, Venthyr is still the most likely top covenant for Evangelism. Boon of the Ascended has some potential, but in 45s windows, Mindgames should still be better in raid.

No. In M+, Boon of the Ascended is simply better for discipline in the highest keys. That said, unless you’re planning to go to +20 keys or higher, every covenant will work in M+ for you. You can run Night Fae in M+ with a coordinated group, but it’s still unlikely to be your best choice as a disc priest.

For Shadow, Night Fae is your best covenant in both types currently and will only get better in 9.0.5. Venthyr is still pretty good though.

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Absolute statements bro? /gasp.

Im running night fae/ evang atm when on farm. The ability to have 1 min raptures in 9.05, with the 20% off mana for pws when using raptures and the longer atonement is very nice and handy. Plus the extra mana back

sure im not deep into mythic this tier, my guild kinda had the whoopsies with its roster so…

I also will swap to holy in raids when needed and night fae is strong for holy and shadow.

Even in keys, this week especially the shorter cd on rapture has been a god send in making sure i can use rapture in the pack before prideful and have it up during prideful again.

Edit. not saying its optimal or a must. Just saying its not as gimped as people may think

edit 2: also saying i prefer the thinking game play of night fae v the mindless venthyr fire and forget. The choices i now make, make things interesting

It’s unfortunately true.

I’d like to have covenant options, but Venthyr is by far and away the best in raid, and that’s not about to change, despite NF buffs. Mindgames in your Evang windows, especially when it crits is far too valuable. As far as 1 minute raptures, that’s not really going to make any big difference in raid unless the fight is a serious rot fight with pretty much 0 raid-wide burst moments. You’re still bound by Power Word: Radiance CD when it comes to raid blanketing. If the Night Fae cooldown buffs are actually going to get utilized by World First guilds running priest, I would expect that they actually make the swap to Holy, rather than stick with disc with the hit to HPS NF brings to them in raid.

Night Fae is very good for Holy and Shadow priests, you’re right. My response was mostly in reply to someone looking to raid and M+ for shadow/disc though.

I know bro but the people asking on here arent world first and prob heroic or 1-3 boss mythic raiders. There is some wiggle room there

Play with either - don’t let others tell you what is best.

This is a silly take, man. This person is looking to perform well in endgame content. ^

OP: Venthyr venthyr venthyr

Seems to be quite a few non venthyr at the top of the raider io leaderboards.

The OP asked about raids and M+. Not just M+, which is what raider io focuses on.

The VAST MAJORITY of disc priests on raider io are Venthyr because the vast majority of them are also raiding. If you look at the people taking kyrian at the top, you’ll notice most of them haven’t progressed nearly as far as the others in mythic raiding. The exception being Moadmoad, who stopped raiding for the most part, and was venthyr while he was raiding.

If OP is just looking to do normal raids and +5s or something, yes, any covenant will work. Any covenant can get you though to +15 dungeons and through heroic raid.

If they’re specifically looking for the best covenant, as they stated for both types of content, they should be taking Venthyr.

The OP specifically talked about how the information they were finding was back and forth on Kyrian and Venthyr and they weren’t sure what was better. Obfuscating the topic by saying they could take either when one is clearly better than the other in raids is not really helpful to them.

Read the first sentence from OP again.

I mean the first sentence says nothing. Just they’re having a hard time.

The second sentence mentions M+ as a goal. I’m guessing that’s what you meant?

But then you I guess you neglected to read ONE MORE sentence?

As those above have said… Venthyr is noticeably better than the others (and I’ve swapped covenants several times before I reluctantly came to this conclusion).

Mindgames is a big, heavy blast of power on a minute long cool down that works perfectly with Spirit Shell - THE raid talent. The Kyrian talent hits harder but is on a three minute cool down making it far less useful in raid situations (its good in mythic+ though). The Necrolord is on the 1 minute cool down but, alas, is a dot so is far less likely to help build Spirit Shell shields in your window.

And then there’s pvp where the ability to make an attacker effectively suicide themselves is invaluable.


  • Raid: Venthyr by miles
  • Mythic+: Kyrian for ‘OMG’ panic moments but Venthyr is a close second.
  • PvP: Venthyr by miles.

Given those? It’s not surprising that something like 96% of all disc priests are Venthyr.

Just to emphasize how extreme the prevalence of Disc is for Mythic Castle Nathria:

There are currently over 37,000 Disc Priest parses for Mythic Castle Nathria, and every single one of them is Venthyr. There isn’t a single Kyrian, Necrolord, or Night Fae at all - not even an offspec Holy or Shadowpriest that isn’t also Venthyr on record.

For Holy, Venthyr again is far more popular at 15k versus Necrolord in second with 10k:

For Disc in M15 keys, there are 132k Venthyr parses, with Kyrian in second at 30,000, 9500 Necrolords, and only 4,000 Night Fae parses.

pvp not kyrian by miles. Not even close. Its venthyr by miles.

You’re right and I corrected that. Not sure why I typed Kyrian as Venthyr is really the only option ^^

Again, it’s a shame that one covenant is SO dominant for the spec as it’s very boring. It’s not that I hate Venthyr but options would be nice.