Covenant for a spec-hopper

Sorry if this has been asked already -

On my priest I flip flop between specs a lot. I’d say I play shadow the least, holy the most, but I play disc almost as frequently as I play holy…
I also focus more on PVE, but I’m hoping to get into PVP as well.

I’ve heard nearly every convenant recommended depending on spec and PVE vs. PVP, and I was wondering what covenant would be the least bad best for someone who plays all 3 specs.

If you were going to play all 3 then i would prob think of venthyr

Ah okay. I must admit going venthyr on all 4 of my high(er) level alts is a little painful :sweat_smile:

For a spec hopper Night Fae is probably the overall best cov for a priest given you’re the slowest and least mobile class. Thats just my uninformed opinion tho…

When you say PvE vs PvP, are you talking dungeons or raids?

Discipline in raids pretty much needs Kyrian or Venthyr to be solid.

That’s why you run into the best for someone hopping ending up Venthyr.

Here, basically a brief ranking of the covenants for each spec -

S tier - Night Fae, Necrolord.
A tier - Venthyr
B tier - Kyrian (it’s honestly probably closer to A tier, but it’s clunky to use and most won’t like it).

S tier - Night Fae, Necrolord, Venthyr, Kyrian (Night fae SLIGHTLY edges out the rest, but they’re so close it doesn’t matter).

S tier - Kyrian
A tier - Venthyr
B tier - Necrolord (M+) Night Fae (M+)
F tier - Necrolord (raid), Night Fae (raid) – Unholy Nova doesn’t contribute to Atonement, and Night Fae has to build around rapture, but does next to no damage, one of Disc’s main raid strengths.

Thnx for remind night fae spec for holy priest is the best, but i still confused how to play shadow priest BTW, hahaha

I’m not sure yet. As of now I’m leaning towards dungeons just because I’ve come to really like the m+ system, but I like raiding a lot too. For context, I’m a returning player who hasn’t really played since early WoD.

I honestly have only played shadow while dungeon running along with my friend’s leveling alt, who is a healer. I originally was a disc dps for support heals while she was starting out, but as she got better I went shadow for dps, and came to really enjoy it. Once I hit max, I’m not sure I’ll play shadow as much as I have been now, but I don’t want to ditch it completely.

I’m trying to make the covenant grind as un-painful as possible, which is why I’m honestly digging for any excuse to not go venthyr. As I mentioned above, at this rate all of my alts + my main will end up being venthyr.

With this in mind, would Kyrian be the best? I don’t mind being sub-optimal for shadow.

Hard disagree here. NF is terrible for Disc Priests. They pretty much require Kyrian (top pick) or Venthyr for the burst damage in their atonement windows.

However, Kyrian isn’t really ideal for Shadow or Holy because it takes over your rotation for 10s making it clunky to use. Not saying it’s not usable, it’s just a bit cumersome. That leaves us with Venthyr. Shadow gets some good use from it and Holy doesn’t really care too much about Covenant anyhow (though NightFae is solid). Venthyr becomes your overall #1 pick for every spec if you do PvP.

Now if you have one spec you think you’re not going to play as much that changes things a little.

  • Shadow/Holy: Go Night Fae, the Voidform CD reduction is great and Holy gets some good use from the mana return and 20% DR. Dreamweaver’s self-rez is also great for M+ and Raid prog.
  • Shadow/Disc: Venthyr for previously mentioned reasons.
  • Holy/Disc: Kyrian. Holy doesn’t get much use out of it but the class ability is sooo good for Disc Priests that it’s worth taking. Basically a “my party can’t die for 10s” button every 60s in an AoE M+ environment using the leggo and Mikanikos capstone soulbind.
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Okay, I think I’ve narrowed it down between Kyrian and Venthyr.

My desire to do well in PvE as disc overrules my desire to play shadow or PvP, hence why I’m leaning Kyrian, but I am worried it might negatively affect my experience playing holy. Since I’ve come to find the covenant experience to be pretty uniform(ly boring :sweat_smile: ), I’m less disappointed in having another venthyr toon.

If I do decide to go full PvE, will my experience as disc be any worse by going venthyr? Since Kyrian is top for PvE disc, how does being a PvE Venthyr disc priest compare to a Kyrian Hpriest? (in terms of advantages/disadvantages)

Thank you for everyone’s input so far!

Kyrian was mostly chosen for SS. Once we unlock the final trait it will be interesting to see if we go back to SS over evang. Kyrian is strong for evang too, dont get me wrong and bis for mythic plus

Alright, Venthyr it is. Thanks for your advice!

I’ve been covenant swapping recently - Kyrian is perfectly fine on Holy. Doesn’t mess up your FC stacks anymore, either so long as you flash before entering. Does decent damage, is free, etc. It’s definitely as good as Unholy Nova/Mindgames are.

Kyrian if PVE focus
Venthyr if PVP focus

just my opinion

Another point in Venthyr’s favor is that it’s Soulbinds each support very distinct Roles. You’ll have Draven for your primary Heal spec and Theotar for Raid DPS/other Heal, Nadjia for M+ DPS or PvP.

(Note: With Party Favors Theotar becomes the best for any PvE spec, though Draven is still deent in M+)