Covenant Class Abilities

No, it isn’t. If you’re expecting an echo chamber I’m afraid you aren’t going to get one. The point of a forum is to discuss ideas with one another, not to blindly agree.

I respect your opinion and disagree with it. I’d advise you to do the same to others.


We have discussed.

Eh, more you’ve tried to dismiss contrary opinions out of hand but that’s all well and good.

I’d just like to remind you and others that arbitrary limitation does not an RPG make.


Because your opinions arent actually about the idea. Your entire issue is with the system as a whole, a system that will clearly not be removed at this point. Any discussion regarding why the system is bad and should be scrapped is pointless. For you to say I’m looking for an echo chamber is actually quite ironic with that in mind.

Just allow the abilities to be switched, it hurts no one, and soulbinds provide enough work and story within the covenant to be their power without being stupidly unbalanced like crazy


Oh, is it? How so? I addressed your idea. I stated that it was a bandaid to a bad system.

We’re just now entering beta. We shouldn’t be trying to find compromises with Blizzard we should be stating our issues with what they’ve thus far presented.

If they allowed the abilities to be switched–perhaps on a cooldown–(or just got rid of the bleeding things) the issues would instantly be resolved.


If that does actually happen then you will be forced to farm the conduits that may affect those different covenant abilities and swap them out as well. I just feel like weve done enough swapping with the last xpac.

I’d be okay with this. I’m okay with grinding more if it allows me to be more versatile.

I like that idea more than the one you presented which punishes versatile players.

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So far conduits affect base abilities, no reason they aren’t keeping it that way.

That’s cool but it’s not a punishment. It’s a different style of gameplay.

I suppose. Regardless it doesn’t really address the issue for players that play multiple specs and do multiple forms of content unless you could make this choice multiple times.

And that’s ok. There would be unhappy people no matter how they set up the system.

How is it okay to tell players that want to do all that they can to help their team progress to roll a new toon or get stuffed?

I don’t see how people can be okay with that. Example: I play frost and blood on my DK. On BFA that requires two sets of gear, two sets of corruptions, and a whole heap of essences.

It’s a big grind but I did it and my DK can perform both roles well. In SL if I build for blood my frost is going to permanently suffer and vice versa–and that’s not even getting into optimizations for raid, m+, or PvP.

It feels artificially limiting and I’m just not sure that anything we can suggest short of changing the system fairly significantly can fix that.

Heck, even modern CRPGs–which are as hardcore RPG as video games get–let you respec your character… Some even let you reroll to an entirely different class (Pathfinder: Kingmaker, as an example.)


Blizz isnt telling you to do that. Your raid team is. Take that issue up with your raid team.

My raid team isn’t telling me to do anything. Read the rest of the comment instead of quoting the first paragraph, yeah? I explained my point below. lol


I really dont care. None of this has to do with my post. I’m not here to talk about why you wanna be able to gear for all your specs and game modes. I’ve done it for a whole xpac. I’m cool with the change. If you’re not then talk about it elsewhere.

It absolutely has to do with your idea. Your suggestion is that you should be able to pick an ability from another covenant–once–and then be locked into that choice.

That does not address most of the issues folks have with the system. I am trying to point out the issues (in my opinion) with your idea but you’d rather be rude than have a proper discussion.

Your idea isn’t very good because it doesn’t really accomplish anything, to put it bluntly.


The most productive thing you’ve said.

I think the system will be fine. Unlike Legion and BfA you’re going to have your conduits as flavour- much like corruption essences we have now. Some will be meta, some won’t, but ultimately you’re going to be adding some spice to your character. A bit of dps for tanks or healers isn’t a bad thing and survability for dps isn’t terrible, either. I think people are panicking they won’t hit “meta” and I think that’s fallacy.

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I’m anticipating greatly once the dust settles post release to see the players who expect this system to not affect them, or simply don’t care, to realize how bad this is.