Covenant Choice: Whats it mean?

That is what a noob says, anyone that knows how the game and their class work can do m+ and even mythic raids outside of world first just fine.

Only bad players need to copy what ice veins tells them, and usually because they dont understand the game even the meta thing they copy from icy veins, they still somehow underperform

The game just like any single player rpg is build to be completed by all specs and most builds if you know how your class works

If you’re designing a system without understanding how the community will use it, especially a community that’s been relatively static for over a decade in how they actually play the game, then you’re failing your job as a Dev.

It’s like designing a story difficulty for a game like Dark Souls. You’re not exactly reading your audience here.

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Or maybe the community is the issue that needs to be fixed

Sounds like you’re being an elitist.

Some people aren’t the cream of the crop and want all the help they can get in playing to the best of their abilities and don’t have tons of time to theorycraft on their own.

How about you stop being an elitist and stop shaming people that want to play the game to the best of their ability? Or do you consider them noobs for daring to try their hardest at the game?

Elitists like you gatekeeping raiding make me sick and are a huge reason why there are many people that are afraid to get into raiding/ M+ because they’re worried they’ll get someone like you spitting on them for not being the best of the best.

You’re right. Maybe start with yourself and stop being an elitist that calls anyone that isn’t literally the best at their class a noob?

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Calls the person who says people should play what they enjoy and are good at instead of being meta slaves in order to stop the toxic community that tries to discriminate against anyone not playing FOTM/having meta build, he calls that person elitist

At the same time he is defending the existence of meta worshiping by bad players who neither understand the game nor their class and blindly follow that a guide tells them which always results in said people trying to discriminate and attack anyone not following what the meta guide told them by attacking them, blaming them or refusing invites

Yeah your attitude is the one who keeps the gatekeeping alive in raids and m_ pugs : )

WoW is not a hard game, if you actually focus on learning your class and game instead of worshiping guides you can do everything because even underperforming specs can perform more than well enough to do mythic raid bosses and m+

My attitude of not expecting everyone to be a theorycrafting god and expecting people to have other interests besides WoW?
Nice meme.

Do you also go to little league games and yell at the kids for trying their hardest but not being at the same level of pro baseball players?

So what you are saying is that you dont want to learn about your class or the game and instead want to follow a guide and jump in and “win”.

Not sure mmorpgs are the games for those people, RPGs are about CHARACTER BUILDING and if you just follow a guide cuz you are too lazy to learn the game

Your attitude of defending meta slavery only leads to said ignorant meta slaves discriminating against non meta slaves, many times without even realizing that the person’s non meta build is better for the content they are doing, simple.

I expect everyone (even me) will have a dark moment or two when we wonder if there was more fun down the road not taken.

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Boy, you know what you can do on icyveins? Learn about rotations, gear, abilities, etc. But I guess to you, screw people for going on websites to try to play their class as best as they can, they’re noobs, right?

People should just hop onto a class and know 100% how to get perfect parses immediately and if they don’t, they’re noobs, right?

So if someone has interests outside of wow, the game isn’t for them? Are you for real? Now you’re trying to gatekeep their fun?

Nice elitism dude.

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I always find it pretty sad when people need a site to tell them about the already oversimplified rotation of most of WoW’s classes, especially when said rotations wont be the same with different talents.
Honestly it blows my mind people need that when you can jump in and a few hours of playing you figure out even small details about your rotation based on how your class works and interacts with talents and passives, but guess that is too much thinking for some people.

There’s a major difference between going to a site to “learn” and telling others how to play based on what the site told you, the site is often wrong on many builds that arent purely worshipping meta therefore anyone who discriminates against another spec because they are not FotM or because they dont have the meta build and because community perceives X class as “bad”. these are the problem people that need to be eradicated from wow.

You are ok with using sites to learn, but the moment you try to tell others to do what the side told YOU to do, then you are way out of line or when you dont invite X class because icy veins told you they are bad.

Terrible problematic community is the status quo

Status quo warrior: “Better not do anything to upset the unhealthy peace and negative norm even if fixing it is the right thing to do”

Ok m8

This coming from a player who pays people to run content for him…

Yeah you right, it’s super sad that there are people that aren’t able to jump into the game and immediately become gods at their class. Pfft, need help? What are they, some trash noob players that can’t spend every waking hour honing their gameplay?

Same with kids and watching tips videos from their favorite pro athlete. Like what are they, noobs? They should just naturally know how to play at pro levels. They have to be told how to play from someone that’s been playing for years? What noobs.

Believe it or not, a lot of people have lives outside of the game and trashing them for daring to not just naturally know how best to play their class in all situations is asinine.


You could still be required to do all 4 covenants’ storylines/quests/etc. but not be forced to do them on separate characters.

Check my raider IO and tell me where exactly I am paying people to run content for me.

Or do you mean when I paid for a 15 boost of my recently 120 mage with 380 gear ;^)
Aka doing the smart thing for gear catch up which I WILL ALWAYS do when I make a new character and need gear.

Damn I must be a god at my class for not needing icy veins to tell me my rotation, thanks I didnt know I was so special xD

You still have refused to acknowledge your part adding to the already toxic wannabe elitist culture of meta slavery but I guess you avoid that so you can focus on feeling personally offended.

Do I have a bad take?

No, it’s the community who are problematic.

You will just have to wait to the walls of QQ start and blizzard is forced to remove some of the restrictions

Hence why we QQ now to try and get it fixed or at least say “I told you so” later on

Like I know I shouldn’t go hard on someone but the dude you’re communicating with has forever said he checks peoples logs when he is deciding they’re they’re good or not and not their spec

Then people looked him up and discovers he was green parsing in fights

It’s best to just let him do this own thing

It means you can’t min-max to your hearts content.
You’ll have to take some bad.