Could we please get an expansion that isn't about Sneedvanas Wankrunner?

I get it, she’s your favorite character. 20 of the strongest heroes on Azeroth + Bolvar + Jaina + Thrall couldn’t make her even use half her power!! Truly 3epic5me. But could we PLEASE have an expansion about something else? Even at his most “green-jesus” thrall didn’t hog so much narrative spotlight.


Weird how people keep calling a character who has been butchered in every conceivable way Blizzard’s “favorite.” From my view it’s pretty apparent that Golden absolutely despises her.


If that’s the case you’d think they’d stop having her be the focus.


Your wish has been granted, Alleria Windrunner will now be the focus for the next 2-3 expansions.


Isn’t it great how Sylvanas can ruin everything and get away with genocide and torturing and obliterating innocents, even children in the maw just because she’s so awesome?

She’s so awesome that even Elune decides to abandon her people that are in ruins and basically extinct to protect and side with Sylvanas instead!


“The fall of night reveals her true face. She will bring only ruin.”

This is obviously referring to the Tyrande vs Slyvanas cinematic… Elune will end up being in cahoots with Zovaal.

Your only salvation will be in our new Arbiter of the Damned, Slyvanas Windrunner!!!

:smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

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The Sylvanas(The Banshee Queen) you’re talking about is already dead. Zovaal killed her in the latest cinematic.

Enter Ranger General Sylvanas!

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I think it was a mistake to make her encounter end at 50% and have her be basically fine in the cutscene.

Have it end at 10% and have her at least looking winded in the cutscene, I mean come on.


She didn’t get away with it, she was killed by Zovaal, The person that created her.

Seems alive to me.

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Nope, the Banshee Queen is dead, only Ranger General Sylvanas remains.

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Uh no, the soul fragments are merged again, doesn’t change the fact that she still made all of those decisions herself.

So seems pretty alive to me, and got away without facing any consequences at all.


I think not.

Sylvanas is the most effective leader in Warcraft history and I am proud to stand on her side. I can only tremble with anticipation as to what new victory she will bring next.

Its painfully obvious that, that isn’t the story Cdev is telling.

You were wrong about the Banshee Queen Sylvanas receiving a redemption, unless you think that shooting an arrow at Zovaal suffices as a redemption arch.

The Banshee Queen is gone, Ranger General Sylvanas is whole again. The Banshee Queen made those decision, Ranger General Sylvanas just arrived on the scene after having her soul fully restored.

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Are you kidding me??

The brat child Thrall wielded The Dragon Soul and was all pewpew about it.

I guess if you just hate Sylvansass and want to pretend some other redundant asset it new.

Sylvansass is the new name I made for her, based on the the tears she wrings… It totally isn’t a typo.

You want Thrall to hold the weapon, I don’t mind if Sylvansass and Thrall hold it. Why is it OK for Thrall to hurt the enemy with a trinket, but Sylvansass is mean?? I can’t ride the loops people lay out.

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The story arch of Uther shows that he was in “full control” the whole time his soul was spilt, but his actions were “clouded.”

Slyvanas isn’t a case of split personality, Ranger General out, Banshee queen in → Banshee Queen out, Ranger General in.

Slyvanas is simply “whole” now and can once again feel full remorse. Her interactions with Anduin and how she felt about Nathnaos shows it wasn’t a clear on/off switch.

She will feel sorry, remorseful for what she done, Bolvar will say we need her for now, and she’ll stand trial once Zovaal is once again banished. (…in Pandaria)

Slyvanas’ story will end this expansion and it will go something like this.

Tell them only that the Lich King is dead . And that Slyvanas Windrunnder… died with him .” —Slyvanas Windrunner to Anduin, after being crowned the new Arbiter.


100% agree, great post.

BTW Bolvar lol and Arbiter lol, no.

Edit: I never once believed that Sylvanas nor the undead as whole don’t make their own decisions. I’ve always said that they made decisions/played the game based on the fact that they weren’t playing with a full deck of cards.

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Leaked 9.3 ending… spoilers!

Primus: Without its master’s command, the restless Souls will always be sent to the Maw.

Primus: Control must be maintained. There must always be… an Arbiter.

Primus’ vision disappears, Anduin retrieves the Sigil of the Arbiter and examines it.

Anduin: The weight of such a burden… must be mine. For there is no other…

Slyvanas Windrunner: Anduin! You hold a grim destiny in your hands, little lion - but it is not your own.

The scorched caricature of Slyvanas is revealed, sitting atop Orbios.

Anduin: General Ranger! By all that is holy…

Slyvanas Windrunner: The Jailer’s magic sealed my fate. The world of the living can no longer comfort me. Place the Sigil upon my chest, Anduin. Forevermore, I will be the jailer of the damned.

Anduin: No, old friend. I cannot.

Slyvanas Windrunner: Do it, Anduin! You and these brave heroes have your own destinies to fulfill. This last act of service… is mine.

Alleria: You will not be forgotten, sister.

Slyvanas Windrunner: I must be forgotten, Alleria! If the world is to live free from the tyranny of fear, they must never know what was done here today.

Anduin nods, and accedes to Slyvanas’ request.

Slyvanas Windrunner: Tell them only that the Lich King is dead. And that Slyvanas Windrunner died with him.

The souls begin to shoot out to their respected realms.

Slyvanas Windrunner: Now, go. Leave this place, and never return.

You know I had to check wowhead before reading your post lol.

You’re the 2nd person I’ve seen with the assumptions that Sylvanas will become the Arbiter; if anything this is hilarious and witty.

I’d say that the notion that Sylvanas has any right whatsoever to judge others as an Arbiter is so patently absurd that it would never happen but…