Could Deathwing have been redeemed?

It is implied in the short story Charge of the Aspects where he refers to Khaz’goroths gift as a curse to Thrall. He even lets thrall have a taste of what being the earth warder actually felt like to prove his point. He made a deal with the Old Gods where if he did what they wanted, they would ‘remove’ the curse. We see in End Time how N’zoth was going to uphold his end of the bargain.


I’ve got to finish the rest of these books. Thanks for the info.

How was he written as sympathetic in war of the Ancients? He actively came off as more of a threat than the burning legion at parts of the series.

There were passages from his point of view showing how he was being corrupted and manipulated. He wasn’t, in those books, simply “the power hungry bad guy who just wanted the power to ascend to becoming a god.”

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Yeah, basically over the millennia, the Old Gods’ whispers had worn him down into thinking that the other Aspects were the ones plotting against him. His pain and outrage at that (admittedly erroneous) idea showed that even in his madness, their perceived betrayal hurt him so because he still remembered legitimately caring for them.

He even showed it when he cursed future-Krasus into silence so the red dragon couldn’t speak out against him. Neltharion didn’t think he was concealing his own duplicity; he’d actually convinced that he was preventing Krasus from spreading malicious lies about him to the other Aspects.


Best thread on the forums
Man i love lore discussion

Personally i feel that everyone is someones villain.
A true villain is really just a being that feels they are doing the right thing.

I look at Ozymandeus from Watchmen.
Dude blew up new york.

But he did it to solidify the world.
Could he have used other methods?

When i see Deathwing to me i dont see how ypu could live all those years, endure all those hardships and not been a prick.
Some could say the Titans did curse him
And he chafed against that.
Thats helpless feeling where you have power… raw intense power… but powerless to change that
Idk lol i do love lore though

No he could not have been.

He coudln’t conceive of himself as needing redemption and that’s a key part of the requirement, the participation of the would-be redeemee.