Corruption is Cool

The idea that having an idea is a merit in it’s own that outweighs criticism is silly.

This isn’t a meeting where Blizzard are spitballing ideas, any ideas, for a replacement for Titanforging. This is a system that has been in the works for a looong time and is 99% done.

Apart from a tuning parse and the reveal of the rest of the anti-Corruption mechanics, what you see with this system is more than likely what you’re gunna get. And what we’ve seen here ain’t great.

I can agree with this, but only if “gear is just gear” is taken to its maximum, going as far as to flatten the number of variations of any given item to 2 at most. I’m imagining LFR + Normal dropping one set of items and Heroic + Mythic another or alternatively, flattening difficulties down to just normal and heroic. M+ would only reward one ilvl of gear that could then be charged up with some kind of power gained by doing M+, with higher keys rewarding way more power.

Ideally there’d only be one version of every item like the “good ol days”, but that seems impossible with the number of difficulty levels we’re faced with in modern xpacs.

Yeah so far gonna go with

but time will tell.

I think it depends what the droprate is if its the same then yes that sucks but i have a feeling atleast the low corruption tier will drop often.

I dunno. I can definitely see potential in it. But then, I’m a tabletop RPG player first and foremost, so I’m used to having to balance risk and reward. Anything that offers more customization and options is good in my book, which is part of why I want old talent trees and glyphs (Wrath-era glyphs, that actually affected gameplay) back, as it offers different customization options.

This dumb system is getting slammed on the PTR and on the PTR forums currently. Let’s just see if Blizzard actually listens or lets this crap go live. If you want to provide feedback, here you go:

If this system was purely about balancing risk and reward, I’d be all for it. Some of my favourite games are based entirely on the premises of risk management, and I just recently finished my 4th or 5th playthrough of Darkest Dungeon a few hours ago.

But it’s not. The analogy I’ve used in previous threads is that Corrupted Gear should be like Heavy Armour in Dark Souls, where you can opt for heavier armour and take massive hits to mobility at the upside of defense, or mitigate that by stacking Vitality at the cost of damage. Or you can say “screw armour and vitality, I’m never gunna get hit”, go all in on damage and then pray you don’t get 1 shot when you fail a mechanic.

But the players don’t have nearly any enough control over the system to make a true risk/reward system really feasible. It’s too RNG, you don’t have any control over what corruptions you get, or the level of corruption that item is, and there’s a massive variance in the power of corruptions with a select few being incredibly powerful and the rest being godawful.

The problem with Corrupted Items isn’t the idea. It’s the godawful execution.

Someone somewhere is going to successfully do it and be a god among mortals while the rest of everyone has to enjoy being plebs with half the performance.

this is basically like trying to reforge to 5% hit chance in d3. sometimes you reforge over 100 times before you get that perfect reroll.

except in WoW, you can’t reroll, you’re stuck with the item you have until (hopefully) a better one drops.

system sucks.

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I think they should reverse the order of the corruption mechanics. Damage taken should come first, and the slow should come last.

blizz has been ignoring PTR feedback for years.

Yeah, I’m trying to stay positive over here!

I’ve been noticing a trend…more casual players that don’t fall into.the semi hardcore and above (competes +10s in time and does ahead of the curve) don’t seem to have a problem with it. While those of us that do generally dislike it, as we can see the fundamental negative effects it’s going to have on gameplay.

yea. because it doesn’t really effect them. oh no, you were slightly slowed while running from that quillboar!

But when you’re slightly slowed while trying to get out of a frontal cone that will one shot you, while dodging other players because there’s currently an effect that does damage to others close to you (ie, stand alone), and you have less than 2 seconds to do it… that’s a different story.

Yup. The problem with trying to Diablo-fy WoW is that I can’t farm a raid boss half a dozen times an hour if I really want to get that super duper titanforged/corrupted weapon or trinket.

When your loot at the high end is as time AND luck-gated as it is in WoW, these kind of RNG mechanics are ridiculously frustrating.

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It doesn’t matter how well they’d execute it. Once you have ~70 corruption or so, the corrupted zones tick for 140k and can crit.

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When you’re just at a threshold, is the mechanic still severe? Or does it start off negligible and just hyper-ramp with Corruption?

Again, someone somewhere will find a way. Even if they can’t wear every piece, they’ll be able to wear more than your average raider.

It’s not an interesting trade or choice. It’s a necessary one. Wear as much corruption as your personal situation allows.

Imagine if some people randomly had extra gear slots. That’s all this is. The game is better when gear and BIS is set in stone with only a few RNG layers to getting it.

In Preach’s video, it was at 84% when he had around 70 corruption, which is only 10 over the initial threshold. It will brutalize you no matter what.

Yeah, I heard that even at 30ish Corruption the Void Zones were big enough that even Ferals struggle to hit the boss.

Which I’m willing to put down to bad tuning, but it still doesn’t change the fact that the system is inherently terrible.