Looking for some dps to join us, 3/9M
Bumping it back up
Looking like this needs a bump
Bumping it up starting up a Heroic team as well
That Thursday Bump
Bumping it up looking for players for mythic & heroic
can i join ur heroic team? 440 ilvl ele sham, added u on discord. kevohhh
Responded to you in discord
Bumping it backup to the top
Bumping it back up
If you guys are ever looking for a Evoker (Dev 445), or Ret (445), hit me up at Mark6001 Discord or Mark#1861 Bnet. Currently 4/9 Mythic with 10% Rashok prog. Mostly tanking but looking to Dps next tier.
Hey! Sent you a friend request on both! Would love to chat!
Bumping it up
Bumping it up to the top
Bumping it backup
Looks like this needed a bump
Bumping it backup
Bumping it back up to the top 9/9H
Bumping it up to the top
Bumping it backup