<Corrupted Intent> Recruiting for Wed/Thur for S2

Msg me on Discord lets chat

Bumping it back up, LF healer & DPS

Bumping it up

this does in fact seem to need a bump :smiley:

Hello! any chance you guys have room for a hunter? :slight_smile:

Hey! Yes we do! Message me on Btag or on Discord. Discord- Xstarlite#2756 Btag: Aria#13773

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Sweet! Just sent on Bnet!

Bumping it up

Bumping it up LF Melee & Evoker Healer & HPal Healer

Bumping it back up

Bumping it back up. 5/8H 8/8N

Bumping it up Lf melee and healers

Bumping <3

Bumping it up raiding this weekend

399 mark hunter lf weekend raiding guild

Discord is Evil#6814

Added you on discord

Bumping it up LF HEALERS and DPS

Hi! I added your battletag, I am very interested in joining

Bumping it up

Bumping it up