<Corrupted Intent> Recruiting for Wed/Thur for S2

Sorry! Just saw this, Btag or discord is the best way to get ahold of us if your still interested.
Btag: Aria#13773 Disc: xstarlite

What are you looking for class wise

Sorry on the late reply! Discord or BTAG is quickest way to get in touch with us.

Weekday- Healers- any class, Dps: Warlock, Aug/Dev, Warrior, Hunter.
Weekend- Healer, Warlock, Mage, S Priest, Hunter, Dev Evoker, Unholy/Frost DK

Sent FR. Would like to chat about your weekend raid:)

Bumping it up

Bumping it up again

Bumping it up

Bumping it up

Bringing it back up