Corrupted Glad cutoff not adjusted for people who didn't qualify

someone let prev/solomon/every boomkin that ended above 2600 know that thunderzilla is better than them


ya cmon thunder stop being toxic man, every one here is trying to better the community.

i don’t think that’s possible from the way he writes and presents himself he seems to have legit brain damage or a very small brain

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Nah i’m just a big troll on the online world. In the outside world im a alpha male driving a 911 porsche cause thats the best sport cars.


cause that’s the best sports cars


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

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moved over here if you wanna go troll that post too<3’t-qualify/701317


Everything you play is “the worst comp in the world.” Truly fascinating how multiple comps can all be simultaneously the worst comp in the world.


cut him some slack they have the best sports cars after all


It’s so unfortunate to me that players simply want rewards handled properly for hard work and grinding and they are not being taken care of. I really wish this company cared about their game and players again.


This here is Facts ^

I tweeted the thread at the devs. I’m sure I won’t get noticed but maybe if enough of us do it it will?


How u didnt get r1 if Gushing rogue was op and rmpal/rmdisc best comp in the game that beat every comp.

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I let starfail know everyday ^_-

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Thank you (:

Wrong, I whispered dh’s on my friends list, some I’ve never played with and progressed with them together, you can’t just play with some1 and except to do well right away. You talk about having bad teammates but you yourself do not use a mic and that only hinders the team especially as a moonkin who needs to call clone targets and when your rootbeaming.

Still nothing?

Um, Thelle played sin/arms ok. How would he get glad as RMP if he was playing a bad comp unlike you mister airline. :rage:

Ye u could go to my stream I stream ev day I play video games im not sure how I get boosted.

bumping thread