Corrupted blood thoughts?

Hello hello! I’m looking for people who were active during the corrupted blood incident to offer some thoughts on it - and especially how/if you think it relates to our current world situation! With your permission, I’d love to use a quote or two for a project I’m working on. My discord is Gwynnevaera#8017 if you’d like to PM me there!

It was crazy interesting as an unintended event. A handful of people literally were spreading the plague to everyone and everything for the lulz while others were setting up quarantine zones and spam dispelling to try and clear everything up. Not to mention the people who didn’t know what was going on and that were unintentional spreaders of the corrupted blood. The back and forth between the two alongside how these 2 treated the unaware party created some interesting player relations for the little bit of time it existed.

In relation to current issues with covid? Well now I can safely say that people act just like they do in a video game in real life too. Before I had doubts that people would deliberately ruin other peoples lives, I unfortunately have been proven so, so wrong.

Complete interest in only what benefits the self and a lack of caring / empathy towards others has led us to this point. I believe now that there is minimal chance of that attitude changing for the better in my lifetime without some sweeping changes being done actively like everywhere in the current social system. The phrase the rotten apple spoils the bunch comes to mind.

The biggest difference for me personally is that I could take a break or dodge the spreaders in the game and it not having an effect on me outside of the game. Being stressed or inconvenienced in the game happened but it was also a significantly less important situation because you can turn it off and do other things with your time. Unfortunately in the real world doesn’t work that way and the meat suits we reside in have needs that the digital self does not.

Running into those people who think that public safety is meaningless or some infringement of their own personal rights terrifies me in ways i never thought possible before. I could laugh it off before and tell myself that they are just stupid and don’t want to see the truth but now that they are potential weapons that could kill the elderly in my family by breathing on me makes it an entirely different ballgame.

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