You haven’t answered my last question, though. What do you hope will happen as a result of making so many threads on the very specific subject of Calia eating corpses? Do you think Blizzard will see them and take the suggestion? Because it hasn’t happened before.
First things first, have a like for the Hellsing Ultimate Abridged reference.
I don’t think Blizzard is likely to go for it, but you’re not wrong. Calia’s current state reads as if someone decided they liked the less-decayed aspects of the death knights but didn’t like the whole “eternal addiction to causing pain and death” thing that helps balance out their prettier looks, and then also decided she needed to be a light bulb as well.
I think we can put a name to that “someone”: Christie Golden.
The entire cleansing of Lordaeron scenario read like a direct conversation with Story Forums, honestly. Calia got shelved and we got a Desolate Council instead. Granted, that came with Voss trying to stuff the “She’s Forsaken, too!” sandwich down our throat at the end, but it was still a very clear indicator that they were listening/reading.
I mean the Desolate Council is more or less what I suggested. Only with Faranell instead of Calder Gray but that’s fine because they just gave Faranell Gray’s personality.
So yes I think they use this as a free idea bucket.
And yes please make Calia our twilight angel vampiress ghoul queen.
I wish when they revived her it had been like a nightmare scenario, some explosively unholy union between Light and Undeath that gave us a character who constantly experiences searing pain but it fuels her in some kind of messed up Darth Vader-y kind of way.
And not, y’know, perfectly preserved pallid lady who is not mentally or emotionally distinct from her living self.
My understanding (which could very well be wrong) is that Golden suggested using Calia for the light-zombie plot that Blizzard was asking her to write rather than making a new character, not that the light-zombie plot was her idea to begin with. Also, Golden writing her that way in the book doesn’t excuse the rest of Blizzard for leaving her pristine afterward.
Yeah not interested in the emo cringe either. The Forsaken are my favorite faction because second to arguably only the Dwarves they enjoy themselves. They aren’t depressed, they aren’t writhing in pain, they aren’t moody. If they have a vibe it’s;
Yeah they’re enjoying violence but so? I’m sorry did you want an epic fantasy adventure or truck simulator? The Forsaken, much like the Orcs, are a weaponized people. Only the Forsaken had way less consent in the matter.
Calia being a version of that, but still fundamentally a gnashing tooth lunatic would be fun.
Imagine if she occasionally started cackling and her eyes turned red but then she caught herself and returned to normal.
She has no lore and borderline characterization. We can do what we want
We can have Joan of Ard that turns into Elizabeth Bathory when pressed
You’re correct about that, but we don’t know whether Blizzard dictated to her exactly what a Light Zombie would look like. Making a glowing Death Knight without the cruelty sauce sounds exactly like her taste.
I doubt it, but even if they do, we know they already have plans for the Light Zombie.
Make her eat Anduin. He’s the one responsible for her being a Light undead abomination.
I think there is plenty they could do to salvage calia, but i reckon they won’t, her reception made her too toxic, and the forsaken got barely any screentime even with sylvanas a character who to this day, people can’t stop talking about. they wont waste the precious 5 minutes a forsaken will get in an expac on calia
raid boss .
See I really don’t think they do. In SL she gets yelled at by Tyrande then side eyed by the Forsaken. Then in DF she attends a wedding.
And that’s it. That’s all she’s done. She’s technically present in the Forsaken heritage quest but I think she just helps with the Scarlet disguise. And that’s probably exaggerating her involvement.
This was a character introduced six years ago. Six years ago. If there’s a master plan it’s a slower burn then putting a bic lighter under a swimming pool.
I never really understood the hate around Calia, to me she always was the rightful leader of Lordaeron, which is what the Forsaken are, citizens of Lordaeron.
I actually always found odd that they would accept Sylvanas who is not even a member of their Kingdom as their Queen, to me the forsaken lost their past and heritage in vanilla, and having Calia being back to me was always the rigt thing to do to return to this identity as a former human kingdom.
What i also always found boring with the forsaken was the overall edgyness of it, how they were presented as metal band lovers and edge lords, it was cool when you were 13y old but now its just boring and have nothing much to offer, life is pain blablabla, you cant move forward with such mindset.
Calia is good because, she actually offer something new, something to move forward with : hope
Oh and, i must say, i always found very odd and hypocritical how people promotted Lilian Voss so hard lately, i mean, she was not even a forsaken for much of her story, she became part of their council (so one of their leaders) AT THE END OF BFA!!! She is a complete opportunist, i hate this character, it made no sense for her to serve Sylvanas in bfa.
She exist since more than 20y now, as she was frist introduced in the novel Day of the Dragon, which makes her OLDER THAN ARTHAS in term of how old she was created.
Now, why does it takes so long? Because when she was introduced as the new leader of the Forsaken and Sylvanas replacement in SL, forsaken fans yelled sooo hard that Blizz backpedaled it, whicu i always found silly because well…the char is interesting and would imo give more cool stories to the forsaken.
Yeah because her introduction was terrible. We met her at the end of BFA. Via spying. On her interacting with Derek and Jania in Alliance territory.
Wasn’t exactly a King Richard Returns moment.
And she should be capitol U Undead. They are fundamentally very Addams Family coded. Horrifying violence is a harmless hobby to them.
She can be the token sober one who’s better at diplomacy but when push comes to shove she should oh, ah, ah, ah, ah.
That is to say, get down with the sickness.
Cause i don’t care if she is rightful, monarchies are stupid and choosing leaders based on who popped out of who is a terrible system. We liked sylvanas cause she represented the forsaken as they are, not what they were. The forsaken don’t need some pale white saviour to save them, they are what they are.
and it doesn’t help that only non-forsaken fans like her cause she changes them cause they never liked the forsaken
And thinking that monarchies are only heretidaty system is “stupid” because it can come in a lots of different forms, besides, the Banshe QUEEN is alos a monarchy ya know?
She never cared about them, thats the thing, she always saw them as abominations barely worthy of existing, so much for representing them lol.
Somes does thought, thinking that the forsaken reject their past lives is wrong, ever since Vanilla you have a clear explaination on how some do reject their past lives, some want to return to it, and some forgot it. So saying that THE Forsaken as a faction dont need to return to their past is wrong, not all do think that way…and i mean, you know your heritage armor have a Lordaeron symbol on it right? hum…
To be honest, i did not like their edgy 13y old vibes since i played the game back in 2004, but since Calia gave a new perspective to the faction i do like them more yes.
I think thats true yeah, they poorly handled her return, and well, its even back in Legion she came out of nowhere without any clear explaination what she did durng the last 20y…
But she is here now.
Literally not true but alright
and she earned it by uniting the forsaken and giving them purpose, infinitly more then calia
I mean any forsaken who can’t be proud of what they are now can just return to the grave, I’v always hated the “return to their past” nonesense
All the more reason to not like her, since she appeals to people like you
Overall to sum up my position, i reject the identity of lordaeron and identity any that reduces to forsaken down to just being human isn’t one i’m interested in, i love the forsaken for being all undead, from the aboms to the darkfallen, to the humans and ghosts. If i wanted to play humans with a skin condition, i’d play worgen, or stormwind