Cool boomer LF boomer guild

Hi, I have an R13, BWL geared horde priest on Earthfury.

I’m in my 40s, and am looking for an alliance guild that respects political correctness and sportsmanship. I selected this realm because of the quality, maturity, and sportsmanship of PVP premades that I happened across during my ranking grind.

I am looking forward to experiencing all my old Alliance questing zones. I played an Alliance priest in Vanilla through Cataclysm. I can play hard, but my server-first 5-night a week raiding days are over. I’m looking to make and enjoy friendships, first.

I enjoy playing with the 20-yr-old boys in my horde guild, and they think I’m the coolest boomer in the game… but I would love to meet and play with some older players.

And yeah… I’m rolling another healing disc priest.