Cooking trainer bugged

The cooking trainer in Tradewinds market is bugged, he has no recipes for me and I do not have all of my recipes yet!

I can’t add links yet or I add a pic … new forums strike again!

For that, once the link is typed in, use the Preformatted Text markdown (the </> button) on it. That will allow the link to be posted as text instead of a hyperlink.

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Have you tried checking the filters?

Indeed, I’ve tried it all …and still nothing shows up! :frowning_face:

The attached screen shot shows you have skill 127. The trainer has nothing to teach you after 110 (although I’ve seen references to a “Sanguinated Feast” at 125, but that appears to be an 8.1 addition). You have to get the remaining skill ups with Level 2 and 3 versions of the earlier recipes. Apparently, the last 20 points will be with green recipes, however.

Let me ask the other question: what recipes do you think you’re missing? What does the “Unlearned” tab of the Cooking UI show?

I’m not sure what is going on with cooking, but I have feast recipes that I didn’t buy and they are rank 2 already and I’ve never made one… nobody but myself plays this account, nobody has my password etc etc and never will … I have no idea why all these recipes are now in my book but they are lol

Work Order: Honey-Glazed Haunches, apparently I am suppose to get the recipe to make it in order to turn it in but when I researched it, it said I needed to be level 110? I have found many of these work order cooking missions or quests to be missing recipes? Since you made the large change not to long ago you made it impossible to really do anything or anything worthwhile. Mostly I find myself wandering and getting bored with the game.
Can you fix the cooking issues? Please?!

where did you go to do your “research”?

if you went somewhere which hasn’t updated the information since it was current, then 110 would have been correct when it was written.

You learn Rank 1 from “Cap’n” Byron Mehlsack
He can be found at 71.23, 10.72 in Tradewinds Market
Is this who you’ve gone to for the training?

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Three years later people! Dec 18!