Convoke the Spirits and Starsurge needs HARD Nerf in PVP

Title says it all.
In PVP, it needs a nerf against a human player/character.
PVE, leave it alone so they wont cry…

I had on spell reflection, and defensive stance, along with 24% versatility… I got hit for 17K and then 16K… Needs a nerf.


“jUsT kIcK cOnVoKe”


A stupid Shadowlands addition along with a host of other stupid Shadowlands additions.


Another reason why borrowed power needs to go.


Literally every class in the game has at least 1 or multiple ways to stop convoke, it’s fine.


Smart balance druids don’t run up into your face and press convoke. :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s when your team looks to you to pop off a sick MF/DG. Your time to shine, bby.

… yeah when you’re already attacking others and the NE is shadow melding then comes out with that BS… right…


I mean aura mastery convokes are definitely a thing, so kicking it usually doesn’t work vs good teams.


Nah, you’re right. It’s an impossible to deal with ability. Better go ahead and remove Druids from the game entirely.


Some people cant be talked to… they go on the offensive when they feel threatened and use sarcasm instead of logical thinking.



I heard warriors were overpowered…
I guess not powerful enough :sunglasses:

:boom: :rooster:


i got rocked by a 17.5k starsurge yesterday with 31 ver. also one time a druid tried ganking me at ratgusher, his convoke only hit rats then he turned into a deer and ran away


I assume they also had the B.O.A.T. legendary, and popped Allignment. Which means spell reflect (Which will likely only plink back a moonfire or two, if you’re lucky) and def stance isn’t nearly enough. That’s ALL of their offense into that channel.

Either pop DBtS for more %mitigation, Ignore pain, Heroic leap-Pummel/stormbolt. Like… there are ways out. Repeating the same overused lines of “I no can defend” doesn’t teach you anything. Adapt. This coming from another warrior.

(Pretty sure you can outrange it, too? Intervene to a distant ally, or leap away. These also work.)

People seem to forget these nuke spells/channels/combos are basically these class’s only source of real kill potential. Learn to counter/shut them down, or be farmed by them.


Warriors have more ways to instantly stop my convoke than any other class.
You are already spamming them non-stop, so just change targets to the druid.


Also, to this… if there’s just some random NE shadowmelding waiting for YOU in particular… then that druid wasted so much time doing pretty much nothing. It either comes down to spacial awareness of know where your threats are(learned through doing, and finding out what wrecks your class), and keeping track of them. Addons help. BattleGroundEnemies, perhaps a nameplate addon or so. Simple things to help.

I just get tired of reading people who aren’t even decent at the game griping for nerfs that aren’t necessary on a daily basis. I made the only sound argument that needed to be made on the subject with my original comment.

The onus is on the druid. The druid needs to be patient and work for good position and look for windows of opportunity. The downside is that if you are too patient then you lose too much time. However, if you just run up and hit the button then it’s going to be a fail almost every time.

For example, in a team fight I will try to position my druid such that people who can easily stop me are line of sight or out of range while my softer kill targets aren’t. The more of the channel you can get focused on less targets the better. Double benefit of focused dmg plus less chance to get interrupted.

It’s not just Convoke. Balance druid damage in general is overtuned.


There are way bigger outliers than boomkin, like arms, ret and ww not to mention something like fire mage but that’s every season.