Convert Augmentation Into Tank Spec Next Xpac?

Considering the difficult balancing required for Augmentation to be viable as a support spec, should support specs be scrapped and Augmentation replaced with a tank specialization?

How could existing abilities be transformed to align with a functioning tank spec?
What would it be called? Scalewarden?


i love the idea of support specs, but if they do decide to scrap that ‘role,’ I would much prefer it become a tank spec than leave it as DPS.

I could even see them leaving it as “Augmentation” that buffs allies, but those buffs would be less about dealing damage and more about reducing/redirecting threat and damage taken. Blistering Scales already feels like it could easily be tweaked to be part of our active mitigation.


They couldn’t, you’d have to scrap it and start over or make a 4th spec.

Any tank with even a little bit of augs buffs would make it the only tank in top end content unless they were so under-tuned that they were miserable to play.

You all need to let this go, it’s not happening.


They would not have released both Aug hero talent trees if this were even a minute possibility.


What exactly would this fix? Adding another tank isn’t going to mean more people tanking.


Yeah but the people that DO tank deserve wings I guess…?


Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love the idea of an Evoker tank because I enjoy Evoker for what it is.

I don’t think we need to nuke Augmentation to make that happen, if it does happen at all. Red + Black dragonflight magic works better for a tank than Black + Bronze in my opinion.


Let’s make pres into a tank.

I am pro Aug tank or at least turn it into a true DPS with some minor utility for flavor (like Shamans)

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I think it will. Personally, I usually play a single class in an expansion. All my alts are very undergeared and hardly get played. Having a tank spec I could get into without dropping my current character would make me play tank. If druid or pally would ever be my main, I would be playing all 3 roles frequently in an expansion.

Historically, it does not.

Honestly, I kind of agree.

This season in m+ I played VDH as a tank, arcane mage as a dps, and disc priest as a healer. Ive managed to get 2800-3000 io across all three.

I decided i wanted to try aug for a different challenge. Got to 70 and have been doing keys around 10.

I dont see the appeal of aug. It feels like a watered down version of disc priest. Instead of atonement on 5 people you track prescience on two people. Your entire rotation is focused on ebon might. Sure, you have more crowd control but im still waiting for it to get exciting.

Maybe my low ilvl is a factor, but it just seems less engaging than disc and you dont get any of the dopamine blasts from big heals or big damage.

My up time on ebon might is higher than guides suggest, same with my prescience on the other two dps.

I just feel like every time I run a dungeon its just an easier version of atonement to manage and focusing on extending ebon might, with small damage windows and a heal thrown in here and there.

It seems souless and boring. I think im going to shelf aug.

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Gee, I wonder why you’re not seeing the appeal…

To be fair, compared to the stupidity that is Arcane in M+, Aug probably feels like some really low-key relaxation, lol.

You’re really making me want to work on my mage. :confused:

It should be a 4th spec, imo (in an ideal setup probably paired with the black flight for one of its hero specs but that ship probably has sailed with Scalecommander being the way it is). There’s like virtually no way they’ll pull off giving dracthyr more classes without having to nerf racials and hard (anyone who thinks buffet, swipe and even glide would survive remotely unscathed in that hypothetical is lying to themselves and there’s at least post launch dev implications that they recognize it anyway) so it’s not exactly quite as egregious as druid having 4 specs and literally every role.

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It’s more likely they would just make swipe/buffet evoker spells and keep mastery and glide (or some version of the idea) than actually just nerf them into the ground.

That said, they definitely won’t stay as they are for every class, you’re right in that regard.

And if they do that Dracthyr will remain a mono-class race in numbers.

Look at Pandaren, they locked being able to go back to your hometown behind playing a monk, 95% of pandaren toons are thus monks. If they lock being able to use your actual physical dragon attributes behind the draconic class, there is no way any other class breaks 1% of the dracthyr pop.

And for all the people bringing up dracthyr who use an approximation of abilities from other classes, at least for the Sundered flames you fight, most of their moveset is still draconic abilities (i.e. evoker) with maybe one move that would be good to add to a tank spec.

Especially since without buffet and swipe the dracthyr racials are basically non-existent outside of evoker.

There are many specs historically that would have been dracthyr for the mastery buff alone, lol.

It’s also very possible that they could nerf them to 3min cds and evoker would get passives that reduce the CD’s of swipe/buffet by 50% or something, because as longer CD’s they wouldn’t be nearly as broken on other classes.

“mythic tryhards will race swap for it” doesn’t break 1% of a race’s playerbase - I doubt “people who wanted stoneform for the meta” is that significant a bump in the dwarven player pop.

Also the mastery buff is so spec dependent I’m not even sure how they’d make it work with other classes

LOL, because player population has ever played into blizz caring about racials. Nightborne has been abysmal for most specs since it was released and continues to be bad, while night elf and dwarf remain insanely overpowered with racials.

Crazy to think that Blizz would continue that legacy of caring zero percent.